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MDB to FBX, FBX to MDB converter


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@4760: reading the Obsidian Expotron guides I have discovered that attachment points bones (ap_*) don't count to the bone count limit either.


Does this free up any bones on the HHM / HHF skeletons? Or are we at max there without dipping into cloaktail skeleton?


I'd really really like to have like an additional 2 - 4 bones .. *sigh*

Edited by TrinitalMod
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@4760: reading the Obsidian Expotron guides I have discovered that attachment points bones (ap_*) don't count to the bone count limit either.


Does this free up any bones on the HHM / HHF skeletons? Or are we at max there without dipping into cloaktail skeleton?


I'd really really like to have like an additional 2 - 4 bones .. *sigh*



P_HHM_skel.GR2 has 54 standard bones:


0: P_HHM_skel
1: LLeg1
2: LLeg2
3: LLegAnkle
4: LLegAnkleDigit011
5: RLeg1
6: RLeg2
7: RLegAnkle
8: RLegAnkleDigit011
9: BHip1
10: FHip1
11: LHip1
12: RHip1
13: Spine
14: LArm0CollarBone
15: LArm010
16: LArm011
17: LArm02
18: LArm0Palm
19: h_LArm0PalmDigit451
20: h_LArm0PalmDigit452
21: h_LArm0PalmDigit341
22: h_LArm0PalmDigit342
23: LArm0PalmDigit231
24: LArm0PalmDigit232
25: LArm0PalmDigit121
26: LArm0PalmDigit122
27: LArm0PalmDigit011
28: LArm0PalmDigit012
29: RArm1CollarBone
30: RArm110
31: RArm111
32: RArm12
33: RArm1Palm
34: h_RArm1PalmDigit451
35: h_RArm1PalmDigit452
36: h_RArm1PalmDigit341
37: h_RArm1PalmDigit342
38: RArm1PalmDigit231
39: RArm1PalmDigit232
40: RArm1PalmDigit121
41: RArm1PalmDigit122
42: RArm1PalmDigit011
43: RArm1PalmDigit012
44: Neck
45: Head
46: ponytail1
47: ponytail2
48: ponytail3
49: eyeRlid
50: eyeLlid
51: eyeL
52: eyeR
53: Ribcage

I think P_HHF_skel.GR2 has same bones.

Edited by FreshLook
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@4760: reading the Obsidian Expotron guides I have discovered that attachment points bones (ap_*) don't count to the bone count limit either.


Does this free up any bones on the HHM / HHF skeletons? Or are we at max there without dipping into cloaktail skeleton?


I'd really really like to have like an additional 2 - 4 bones .. *sigh*


No, the attachment points are actually "dummies" or "helpers" (in 3ds max object names), and they're converted to bones when imported from the .gr2 file; so you can't reuse an ap_ "bone" to have an additional skinning bone.


The only way to use more than 54 bones is to split the full skeleton in two or three limited skeletons, the second and third being defined as tail and wings parts.


Well, maybe I'd write a small tutorial on this.

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I have been playing with it I got it working. The proper names for the placeable animations are:

  • plc_du_secret_door_idle.gr2: idle animation. Used also for idle animation when closed.
  • plc_du_secret_door_plc_open.gr2: opening animation.
  • There are more, but I don't know if you are going to need them.

X_idle.gr2 is required and the others are optional.


Huh. Well that's an odd name for the open animation. I'll give that a try. Thank you.


Ed.: It's working now. Thank you for your help.

Edited by rjshae
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I made another attempt at importing the Armoire model PLC_MC_ARMY01 using nwn2mdk-0.4. The files I dragged onto nw2fbx.exe consisted of: PLC_MC_ARMY01.MDB, PLC_MC_ARMY01_01.MDB, PLC_MC_ARMY_01_02.MDB, and PLC_MC_ARMY01_PLC_OPENIDLE.GR2. The model appeared to import okay into blender, but the timeline only had two entries and the doors would not animate -- they were already open. With PLC_MC_ARMY01_IDLE.GR2 instead of PLC_MC_ARMY01_PLC_OPENIDLE.GR2, the model loaded with the doors closed, and still no animation (as I would expect in this case). I tried mixing in the PLC_MC_ARMY01.GR2 file, but it made no difference (other than to add a rig). I must be doing something wrong, I would guess, or these are the correct animations and the game engine does some interpolation/translation between the two modes.

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I made another attempt at importing the Armoire model PLC_MC_ARMY01 using nwn2mdk-0.4. The files I dragged onto nw2fbx.exe consisted of: PLC_MC_ARMY01.MDB, PLC_MC_ARMY01_01.MDB, PLC_MC_ARMY_01_02.MDB, and PLC_MC_ARMY01_PLC_OPENIDLE.GR2. The model appeared to import okay into blender, but the timeline only had two entries and the doors would not animate -- they were already open. With PLC_MC_ARMY01_IDLE.GR2 instead of PLC_MC_ARMY01_PLC_OPENIDLE.GR2, the model loaded with the doors closed, and still no animation (as I would expect in this case). I tried mixing in the PLC_MC_ARMY01.GR2 file, but it made no difference (other than to add a rig). I must be doing something wrong, I would guess, or these are the correct animations and the game engine does some interpolation/translation between the two modes.


You aren't doing anything wrong. X_PLC_OPENIDLE.GR2 is the idle animation when the placeable is open. The opening animation X_PLC_OPEN.GR2 is optional. NWN2 blends between animations when transitioning from one state to another.

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Okay thanks. When I import the .fbx with the armature then, shouldn't the parts be attached to the bones? They don't seem to be.


They don't because of the issue I explained in post #182, last paragraph. Then I had the idea of simplifying working with animated placeables by not needing a skeleton when converting, what at the same time resolves the issue. Do you need the parts attached to the bones for any reason?

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Well I tried my cabinet model without the bones, but it didn't animate. I did uncheck all the boxes except Baked Animation on FBX export and I set the Simplify field to zero. I then tried splitting off the doors into separate models and merging those into the FBX, but the resulting model didn't show up with any doors. So I was going to try the skeleton approach and see if that would work. First though, I was checking why the Armoire didn't work.



Edited by rjshae
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Well I tried my cabinet model without the bones, but it didn't animate. I did uncheck all the boxes except Baked Animation on FBX export and I set the Simplify field to zero. I then tried splitting off the doors into separate models and merging those into the FBX, but the resulting model didn't show up with any doors. So I was going to try the skeleton approach and see if that would work. First though, I was checking why the Armoire didn't work.




plc_md_cabinet05 should be the main part and the only child of plc_md_cabinet05.PIVOT. plc_md_cabinet05_01 and plc_md_cabinet05_02 should be the attached parts and children of plc_md_cabinet05.

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