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SOPA Strike?


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Root for not living in the US. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

That is a pretty bad argument. The US is often a trendsetter in this kind of insanity. If the US passes a law like this it is quite possible other countries will soon follow behind.

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If you're honestly not convinced that this is an issue worth looking into then at least just say so without prevarication.


Or I can just get around to it when I get around to it and not be told I'm "copping out" because I've delayed looking in to it until I actually have the time. Seriously. Remove stick from arse.

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Or I can just get around to it when I get around to it and not be told I'm "copping out" because I've delayed looking in to it until I actually have the time. Seriously. Remove stick from arse.


I'm sorry you took offense at that, because it wasn't intended to be offensive. I have the utmost respect for the work you put into the site. I've been coming here for years, and although I've only recently been motivated to post I think I've done reasonably well in maintaining an articulate and considered level of discourse. I thought it was obvious that I was casting a judgement on the act, and not the actor, although perhaps that wasn't as clear as I'd intended. I still maintain that actions (or lack thereof) are a fair target for criticism, and don't think it's the appropriate time to start slinging around ad hominems in response.

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1.) Start harassing webmasters about SOPA and make a fuss if they don't react.

2.) Realize you're harassing webmasters because they're not doing what you want.

3.) John is the SOPA.


It'd be nice if Nexus did something but it's not the end of the world if it doesn't -- this is a modding website for video games, not really a place most people go to discuss serious politics. And all humor aside I'm inclined to agree with him: if he doesn't have time to learn about SOPA, why should he blindly take a stand because a bunch of us say it's bad?

Edited by NorthWolf
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If you really want to do something about laws like this, Vote those idiots out of office. Quit voting for the same lying politicians over and over. Every one of them claims 'It's not my fault, it was the other party that did it. So don't blame me, I tried to stop it.' - if nearly as many actually did try to stop these laws as they claim, they would not pass.


In politics, the way it works is, If you look the other way while I get my silly law passed so I can collect from the corporate backers, then I'll look the other way for your silly law so you can collect from the corporate supporters of that law. But if you fight my silly law, even if you think it is wrong and bad for the country, then I will fight every law you support, even if I think it is right or good for the country. :facepalm: AKA Partisan Politics - This is the way things work here, and if you rock the boat, you won't get any of the party money or party support to get reelected.


One of the favorite ways to look the other way is to be out of town campaigning for reelection on the day that silly law is up for a vote.


It happened on their watch, they are to blame. Forget about which political party they belong to whichever it is vote for the other guy. Throw the bums out. :thumbsup:

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I'm not involved because I don't have the time to go through the masses of propaganda and wild generalisations, on both sides of the argument, to come up with an honest, well-informed opinion on the matter. To block access to the Nexus without truly having formed my own opinion on the matter would be a knee-jerk action at best, and something I won't do.


I'm too busy going through my backlog of taxes, both personal and business, since moving home to be worried about SOPA right now. And those are things I can go to prison for much sooner than if SOPA came along.


I'll get around to it when I get around to it, and if I feel the need to let other people know my opinion on the matter I'll be sure to voice it.


PS. I'd be interested to know about this DMCA stuff with MMOxReview. If there's any info any where, please share the link.


If I recall correctly, and I'm not sure if it's the same issue we're talking about here, he lost his youtube partnership because he showed gameplay of the "Killable Children" mod. Zenimax had the video taken down because of "copyright infringement"


At least that's what he said, but I don't think he would have a reason to lie about it.

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Ah, the retort of one without a counter-argument. Seriously, grammar and spell check is all you've got? Which isn't much since everything is spelled correctly and the grammar is close enough for government work.


People are not seeing the truth for what it is. They're seeing what they want to see. Including seeing boogie men where there are none.


You clearly are not paying enough due diligence to this issue if you think that 90% of the opposition isn't people worried that *not allowed* is about to get shut down. The other 10% are just big name corporations who want to seem trendy and cool with the same audience because their traffic generates revenue.


The only clueless ones here are Hollywood elites who think you can turn off piracy with a switch. The failure of the DMCA to change anything should have taught them that.


Yes, the Occupy movement is nothing but spoiled brats with art degrees whining and moaning they can't find work. They drone on and on about evil corporations all while organizing their stupid disruptions using the very products those evil corporations produce. Their rage is undirected, and purposeless. George Soros should get a refund on the money he wasted on that one.


A good read, from someone with a sane, balanced opinion on the subject: http://www.theregist...17/beyond_sopa/



I'm just amazed at how insulting you're being in your posts.


"nothing but spoiled brats with art degrees whining and moaning they can't find work."


I don't have an art degree, so part of your point is invalidated already. I live in a lower-middle-class family, so I'm not a "spoiled brat". Pretty sure that invalidates everything you said Occupy is, aside from "whining and moaning they can't find work". I don't even do that. No point, since I can't work anyway, what with having a ton of mental issues and falling asleep at random during the day.


Seriously, drop the insulting tone and people might take a look at your opinions. When you insult a movement, and its people, and when you imply that any opinion besides the one you linked is not "sane, balanced" you really get under the skin of others, and come across as someone with a grudge. Oh, and you leave yourself open to being reported for insults. :\

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If you ask me this is but another government power-grab. Not even a month ago congress passed a law giving the US military the authority to detain US citizens if they are deemed a "threat" to national security without trail, all in the name of "national security". This bill is similar, you are hearing a whole lot more about it because it is causing high profile sites to shut down in protest.
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If you really want to do something about laws like this, Vote those idiots out of office. Quit voting for the same lying politicians over and over. Every one of them claims 'It's not my fault, it was the other party that did it. So don't blame me, I tried to stop it.' - if nearly as many actually did try to stop these laws as they claim, they would not pass.


In politics, the way it works is, If you look the other way while I get my silly law passed so I can collect from the corporate backers, then I'll look the other way for your silly law so you can collect from the corporate supporters of that law. But if you fight my silly law, even if you think it is wrong and bad for the country, then I will fight every law you support, even if I think it is right or good for the country. :facepalm: AKA Partisan Politics - This is the way things work here, and if you rock the boat, you won't get any of the party money or party support to get reelected.


One of the favorite ways to look the other way is to be out of town campaigning for reelection on the day that silly law is up for a vote.


It happened on their watch, they are to blame. Forget about which political party they belong to whichever it is vote for the other guy. Throw the bums out. :thumbsup:


Congressional and Senetorial TERM LIMITS!!!!!

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