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[WIP] Atvir Dres: The Last Prince of Tear


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Mujuro and I have spoken about that, and yes, it's definitely planned for the near future. His 1.7 update is being tested right now, and from what he's said, 1.8 is when he's going to start working on interaction with other followers. As for me, the second Content Update (which will be entering development sometime in January) will be when I begin to work on Atvir's interactions with Ceridwen and possibly Aela, assuming that DreamKingMods has a found a suitable voice actress. I've also spoken to Emma about interaction between Atvir and Vilja. Lastly, I'm keeping my eye on Valfar, since he's also voiced (albeit in an unusual way) and strikes me as something of an "anti-Atvir", seeing as how he's a Nord who despises elves.



Ahhh~!! How exciting! I didn't get to travel with Vilja extensively in Oblivion because I had all kinds of crazy crashes. However, based on reviews and what time I did get to spend with her she was amazing. For a descendent of hers to be brought to Skyrim and have interactions with a companion that was inspired by her is going to be stupendous. I imagine you're feeling right proud of it and rightfully so, congratulations!


As always - Atvir's eager, loving public will be waiting warmly.

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A question, and apologies if it's out of place: I cannot find any flin anywhere in the game. Anyone have any suggestions to remedying this? Or perhaps tips for forcing the quest forward a step? Or hell, using the console to spawn the flin?


And, a curiosity: Atvir does not seem to recognize me as a Dunmer. Is this because I'm a vampire?


I'd say "Great mod, man!", but I haven't gotten a chance to try it yet.

Edited by Duke Baronknight
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@Duke Baronknight: Ambarys Rendar sells Flin at the New Gnisis Cornerclub. If for some odd reason it's not showing up in your game (likely due to another mod that alters the inventories of innkeepers), use these console commands (minus quotes):


"help flin 4" - This will give you the baseobject ID for flin


Then, with the console open, click on your character and type


"additem ________ 1" - Where ________ is the baseobject ID for Flin.


As for the second question, Atvir doesn't currently have dialogue for Dunmer or Argonian players. These will be included in the first Content Update, due to be released in the next couple of months. They have been written and integrated into the update, I just need to voice them.

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Ah, well many thanks for the help. Just as well, what little voice acting I have heard is splendid in quality and feel. Very reminiscent of Jeff Baker's Dunmer voices from Morrowind. Particularly the frequent insults.


Thanks, that was my inspiration when I first worked out Atvir's voice. I hope you enjoy the rest of the mod as much as the bits you've seen so far!

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Atvir is just AWESOME . I personally LOVE everything about his character. BTW as I read some articles I learned that the DLC is propably going to be in Solthsteim ( sorry for spelling ) and it should include Bonemold armor .


Some things the guys found in game files

$Crafting_$DLC2ArmorBonemold BONEMOLD

$Crafting_$DLC2ArmorChitin CHITIN

$Crafting_$DLC2ArmorNordic NORDIC

$Crafting_$DLC2ArmorStalhrim STALHRIM

$Dragonborn Quests Completed Dragonborn Quests Completed

$DRAGONBORN_ESMName Dragonborn

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@Russianwalstelander: Thanks! Glad you're enjoying Atvir. As for the "Dragonborn" discovery, I've been following those same threads, and while it certainly is an interesting find, I won't be considering any of these rumors accurate until I hear official confirmation from Bethesda. Nevertheless, it may offer new possibilities for the mod.


If it does happen, then I'm just hoping that nothing in the new DLC conflicts with the way I've interpreted and expanded upon TES lore in this mod. Fingers crossed.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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I've been playing Morrowind lately (first time. Got it on sale when you got Dawnguard), and I noticed something that's going to bug me forever if I don't mention it now. Flin is actually comparatively expensive in Morrowind. It's Sujamma, Mazte, and Greef that are cheap. Flin averages $100 a bottle. I can only think of one line that mentions it directly, which is talking about the Altmer pawnbroker, who just might be able to afford it, but I think imported brandy every night is still a bit extreme.


Also, there's a line where if you're favorable to Argonians, he'll say that they wouldn't hesitate to murder you in your sleep, just because 'a tree told them to'. Isn't he likely to do that as well though if 'Boethia tells him to?' .. This has been plaguing me since I heard that line. But I'm pretty sure handing him that rebuttal would end in being slaughtered by a very angry Atvir.


And, just random, but will he encourage the player to chose a certain side in Dawnguard, like he does for the Civil War?


I'm curious with how the DLC lines up with what the novels said about Solstiem. And I wonder if the Inner Sea is still boiling like it was the 30 some odd years after the Red Year.

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@Nakatika: It's been forever and a half since I played Morrowind... I had actually forgotten that Flin was so expensive. In the earlier versions of AD, I had the player buy Atvir ale instead, but I had to switch it out for a new item after it turned out that a lot of "needs" mods altered food items in such a way that they conflicted with this mod. Flin was just the first drink that came to my mind, and it's a straight copy of ale. I didn't alter any of its attributes. Now that you've brought that up, I'll either increase its price, or put in a line stating that it's not "true" flin, just a home-brew that Ambarys makes. Thanks for pointing that out. :thumbsup:


As for your second question, you're absolutely correct. Atvir would kill just about anyone if the circumstances were right. However, as with many of his lines, that one isn't founded in logic or reason. It's simply an emotional response to what the player says, and his way of voicing his dislike of Argonians.


Regarding Dawnguard... I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to tackle DLC content yet. I hate the idea of AD having any required files, official content or not. It's probably possible to make a plugin for him that players running Dawnguard can use, and now that I've (finally) downloaded DG, I may just end up doing that. I wondered about what Atvir's preferences would be when I played through the storyline myself. He'd probably lean towards the Dawnguard, since he's a conservative Dunmer who despises necromancers and the undead. That said, he could probably be convinced to support the vampires as well, given the Dawnguard's strong connection to the Vigilant (whom he hates just as much).


Assuming that the rumors regarding the next DLC are accurate, I'm also curious what changes may have taken place in Solstheim since the Bloodmoon days. I guess we'll have to wait and see. :)

Edited by JanusForbeare
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I was thinking he might side with the vampires given their connection to Molag Bal, and how he strongly believes in appeasing Daedra (even though Molag Bal is a 'bad' Daedra. Or maybe specifically because Molag Bal is a bad Daedra he sides with the Dawnguard?). And they have unique 'powers' and then there's the fact that the only elf that the Dawnguard ever have on their side is a bosmer, (unless you count the orc?) while the vampires have a Dunmer from House Dres. Then again, Atvir might feel like killing that guy, just because he complains about hating House Politics, and probably would not want to talk about Dres glory days.


Oh, I meant to mention earlier. Orsinium doesn't actually exist anymore. That's why there's orc strongholds all around Skyrim. They were kicked out by the united forces of High Rock and Hammerfell, and the territory was reclaimed by High Rock. There's a few references to this having happened in the novels. The empire couldn't defend the orcs at that point because they were still reeling from the Oblivion Crisis, and they didn't want to upset two large countries. There's only one line where Atvir mentions this (commenting the city probably smells horrible) but since that city was destroyed before he was theoretically born...) but you might want to remove it, if that isn't too difficult.


And that's a good enough solution regarding flin. I feel bad about noticing this stuff. :ohdear:

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