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So. What is your personal interpratation of the SOPA and PIPA acts?


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Yes. I am Australian too. A citizien of the world.


So why should something that is passed in the United States, a nation across the pacific, be allowed to affect us and everyone else too?

Someone could say they were a citizen of Mars and both of you would have the same voting rights in the US....zip. Nice turn of phrase with exactly no actual practical validity in a pragmatic sense. If life was fair (which it isn't) then your complaint might have some recourse, but unless and until your's and other countries abrogate their reciprocal legal agreements with the US (and take the consequences of such an action) then you really don't have much option. That my friend is the cold hard truth of the matter.


If it will make you feel any better this Congress has an appalling record for getting anything done in a timely manner, with their degree of ineptitude it could be months or years before this legislation ever passes and who knows what permutations it will go through before final passage, if at all.

Edited by Aurielius
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So, a Government for which we have no voting rights nevertheless has the right to dictate what we can or cannot do? Reciprocal legal agreements have nothing to do with this issue, but the term dictatorship certainly does.
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So, a Government for which we have no voting rights nevertheless has the right to dictate what we can or cannot do? Reciprocal legal agreements have nothing to do with this issue, but the term dictatorship certainly does.

Without reciprocal legal agreements any legislation passed in DC would be moot in relation to foreign countries so am somewhat at a loss to reconcile your statement with the facts on the ground. From the beginning I have only been stating the pragmatic way things are, not how they should be.

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I don't know why you are at such a loss, it's quite simple. There IS no reciprocity between the US and other countries where these acts are concerned. They are being put through Congress without reference to any kind of agreement, as you yourself and others have said US Congress business is...just that, therefore they are unilateral and don't form part of any treaty or agreement. (Unless you are counting the hideously imbalanced extradition treaty that Britain has with the US, which is currently tottering due to abuse of the same.) Yet they are being used to hammer overseas states and their citizens, who are expected to fall over themselves, grovel and maybe even hand over their citizens. US laws, attempting to govern the rest of the world.


When the US administration takes on Beijing over the rampant piracy occuring in China, then I will be able to see all this as something more than bullying of the weaker kids in the schoolyard.

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Ginny...I am not totally sure that A is disagreeing with you that it is wrong, just that is how the U.S and many other more powerful nations do business regarding some of their foreign policy. It isn't right but that is how its done until someone makes them stop.


That being said as I understand it on the megaupload thing....he had servers in Virginia and so the U.S. claimed jurisdiction in the matter.

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Hmmm, sorry about that folks, seems my little statement was taken well out of proportion. I would have corrected it before now, but I've been out of town for a while and just had gotten unaccustomed to perusing the forums.


To clarify, my whole statement about the US doing whatever they want was half-honest, and half-joking, in the way it was delivered. Besides, unless I'm making a page-long post including about a half-dozen links to various resources, chances are my statements are at least somewhat tongue in cheek.


I also like that I was called abrasive. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


However, there's a degree of truth in my statement that 'We're the US and who's going to tell us what to do?' Really, who is? Someone feel free to answer that, because I can't think of anyone, barring China with their newfound Naval power-in-building.

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Hmmm, sorry about that folks, seems my little statement was taken well out of proportion. I would have corrected it before now, but I've been out of town for a while and just had gotten unaccustomed to perusing the forums.


To clarify, my whole statement about the US doing whatever they want was half-honest, and half-joking, in the way it was delivered. Besides, unless I'm making a page-long post including about a half-dozen links to various resources, chances are my statements are at least somewhat tongue in cheek.


I also like that I was called abrasive. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


However, there's a degree of truth in my statement that 'We're the US and who's going to tell us what to do?' Really, who is? Someone feel free to answer that, because I can't think of anyone, barring China with their newfound Naval power-in-building.


Not to mention china has us by the economic testicles...... Ever wonder why we didn't sell fighter jets to Taiwan? Because China said "No".

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Simple really. All...SOPA, PIPA and their even worse cousin ACTA are George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four in a nutshell. If you doknow it you'll understand...if you don't...look it up. This is really not the way to fight piracy...as if it was the main goal of all this nonsense in the first place :yucky:
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My personal opinion? Well if you know that the politicians started today to debate pro and cons in my country how to apply similar laws ... :psyduck:

*Sign* :wallbash:



And yes it is the miniature of control displayed in 1984 by G. Orwell and I don't like the development because I know that we are on the road to get newspeak and thought crimes if it gets out of control. I know to many ways of how things like that can get out of control because government's, even democratic, get less and less democratic and more and more oligarchic on the needs of companies and too easy blackmailed by the later ones, if in financial dire straits due to mismanagement of the tax income and high financial liabilities. I think stopping pirates is one thing, but it is another thing if you abuse the rights of someone else through the back door, while letting it look a legit measure. Sadly I know how easy it is to abuse, sometimes I even wish I wouldn't know how it is done and be an ignorant simpleton, because then i wouldn't even taken notice of what now is debated about SOPA PIPA & ACTA in my country and I wouldn't be near fainting and have a much healthier life being not concerned about such things. Sadly there isn't any selective amnesia for me in this case.

Edited by SilverDNA
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