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Will there be a MW4?


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As long as there is money to be made they will continue to make them. There is a huge quality drop with each new release. Now I like to see their screenshots so I can play the 'find what is wrong with the game' game :laugh:.


*oh, there is a skybox seam, the tree has very obvious polygonal faces, misaligned tire tracks, gun model clipping with hands, poor hand placement with some guns, improper UV mapping* and the list goes on. It is disappointing that people don't hold off from buying the game until they are forced to actually put time and effort into it because they could have a really good thing going. Since they don't really allow for mods anymore and a campaign takes all of 4hrs to beat it is a big yawn for me and $60 saved (don't even get me started with their dlc content :no: ). I think they should just take their only breakthrough (zombies), develop it on an engine newer than the Quake III one, and make it a stand alone PC game with full mod tools. I would probably pick that up for $30 because as good as Killing Floor is I tend to get bored of it. I never have purchased one of their games and at the current progression I never will.

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IW might release another game, but not MW4.





Price already killed Makorav, no new enemy.



And why is this under "PC gaming?" COD focusses around the Console more than the PC, as do all FPS.

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Well I do know its getting close to the announcement for the next MOH by Danger Close, which will likely be released this fall. Which will likely be around the same time Activision slaps out another COD.


ooo thats great news! i loved the latest MoH....wasnt a fan of the online play at all, but ive played through the campaign 4 times lol.....that said, i do still hop online occasionally with my friend.


idk, but CoD will still have games coming out for awhile, cause for some reason, ppl keep buying them.


Because they're still pretty good. Not everyone needs elitists to prescribe what they can or cannot enjoy.


how am i an elitist?

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I have not played a Medal of Honor game in the longest time. How is that series nowadays? I used to love the first one on the gamecube :happy: .


ive only ever played the most recent MoH (not even Frontline which comes with it) and i enjoyed it....i thought the story was very very well done (as i said, ive played through 4 times lol)....the online in my opinion is pretty horrible. no kill cams = tons of campers. and the bullet damage is pretty high. very hard to turn on someone. its fun if you have a friend to play with/talk to like i do, but even then it gets frustrating after a while...from what ive noticed. if you come from MW3, you usually do pretty good as your used to just running around and shooting ppl with high bullet damage. and if you come from BC2 (like i do) its a little harder adjusting....and im not saying that with any bias, but my friend comes from MW3 and he usually does a little better then me (K/D wise) and other ppl ive talked to who usually have the better K/Ds come from CoD.


the objective modes are pretty fun. their equivilent of Rush (well there is two) one is, there are two "M-Coms" and you have 5 minutes to arm them. would be MUCH better if there wasnt a 5 minute limit. its over way too fast. its always either a Steamroll for attackers or for defenders. very rarely is it close or anything. just when it gets good, its over......then they have another one there there are 5 M-Coms to get (5 stages, 1 mcom per stage) a little more fun. each stage has a time limit (idr the limit) but its campers galore. on both sides. the attackers try to pick off the camping defenders, and the defenders just try to camp the attackers. though ironically, most times ive played, the attackers win.


then there is capture the flag, which is what i usually play. and a classic TDM.

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And why is this under "PC gaming?" COD focusses around the Console more than the PC, as do all FPS.


It has a simultaneous PC release, so there is no reason why this doesn't belong here.


how am i an elitist?


I never said you were. I was referring to those people who are of the opinion that only idiots play CoD and that RealGamerTM wouldn't play it. That's a pretty elitist point of view, considering that it consists only of "why do people enjoy something I don't". Unless you subscribe to that point of view, it wasn't aimed at you.

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The reason the story was more compelling for more people in the MOH reboot (MOH #14) is due to the fact it follows the events of Operation Anaconda in Afganistan in 2002. The place in the game and battle fought are replices of the actual events with the names changed. The down side is the controvesy over naming the one MP faction as the Taliban actually angered some veterian families and a few members of the brass forcing a change to simply OPFOR. Dunno if this will affect the storyline for MOH 15 due out October 2012.
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And why is this under "PC gaming?" COD focusses around the Console more than the PC, as do all FPS.


BF3 was build for PCs first. idk about BC2, but all the PC friends i have who play BF3 (the ones who actually liked it) were happy and never claimed it was a console port.


how am i an elitist?


I never said you were. I was referring to those people who are of the opinion that only idiots play CoD and that RealGamerTM wouldn't play it. That's a pretty elitist point of view, considering that it consists only of "why do people enjoy something I don't". Unless you subscribe to that point of view, it wasn't aimed at you.


ooo ok. i do think that...kinda. a lot of immature kiddies do play CoD. its undeniable. but then again, they also play BF3 and BC2 and all those other games. they just seem to be more prevalent in CoD then any other game, whether thats true or not.....i dont however think that a "Real Gamer" wouldnt play it. my best friend plays them and hes as much of a gamer as i am.....for me personally, i couldnt see myself playing the game. campaign or online....the only thing that would interest me is the coop play, so i could play with said friend. that i could see myself having a blast with.


The reason the story was more compelling for more people in the MOH reboot (MOH #14) is due to the fact it follows the events of Operation Anaconda in Afganistan in 2002. The place in the game and battle fought are replices of the actual events with the names changed. The down side is the controvesy over naming the one MP faction as the Taliban actually angered some veterian families and a few members of the brass forcing a change to simply OPFOR. Dunno if this will affect the storyline for MOH 15 due out October 2012.


yea i thought that was funny. i respect our soldiers and everything, but really? the issue was, was that ppl would be playing the Taliban against the US....ppl think that video games are indoctrination or something....by being put on the Taliban team, we were somehow going against everything those soldiers were fighting for....pathetic really. its hard for them to keep the name with so many complaints, especially when they were working so closely with soldiers and whatnot....i hope they change it to how it should be.. freaking army wives (no offense to any that are here)

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ooo ok. i do think that...kinda. a lot of immature kiddies do play CoD. its undeniable. but then again, they also play BF3 and BC2 and all those other games. they just seem to be more prevalent in CoD then any other game, whether thats true or not.....i dont however think that a "Real Gamer" wouldnt play it. my best friend plays them and hes as much of a gamer as i am.....for me personally, i couldnt see myself playing the game. campaign or online....the only thing that would interest me is the coop play, so i could play with said friend. that i could see myself having a blast with.


Indeed. It's not an inherently bad game. A lot of people are just tired of it. The important thing is also that the fanbase of CoD is about double the size, at the least, of other games like BF3. It's only natural that with more people, the chances for more ignorant, immature trolls playing the game are going to increase.


Either way. Still haven't bought MW3, and I don't intend to until it goes on 50% off, at least. Picked up BF3 today, though. One of the local gaming stores had a limited sale and they were going for the equivalent of $25 a piece. Managed to snatch one just before they ran out. Fastest 30 kilometres I've ever driven. :P

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