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I'm working on my bandit mod. Specifically, I am making more varieties and allowing them to assault holds. I really did not know why making bandits attack towns was not done earlier, but whatever I'm having fun deciding how hard each hold should be hit :P

I would implement a system similar to http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28235 so npcs do not die stupidly.

Yea I need to, but for now there alot of mods that protect quest npcs. Plus I kinda like to see npcs dying from bandit raids as it seems realistic and brutal.... Still I know it doesn't run well with alot of people so I guess I have to

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dogs of skyrim

im looking for a basic mesh guy actually. just need to shorten a dogs nose and make him wider, with shorter legs, and more like that. to properly create new breeds of dog :)

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sorry, i had to do it :biggrin:



I am working on a playerhome for necromancer/Vampire/Cannibals/goth chars with a lot of gore and blood like bones scattered across the floor, pools of blood, corpses all over the place, and other stuff like that.

Don't know yet, if i will ever release it though. depends on if i ever finish it and if i like it. Still working on a way to import bodyparts of the "victims" into the game. have some problems with the file formats.

and i am working on some new recepies for human flesh like cooked human flesh, boiled human heart, human meatpie.


yes, i am playing a cannibal char :devil:

Edited by Error404NotFound
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Lol @ your name! :biggrin:


I'm working on a Skyrim player home now too with a realistic/historically-inspired(pseudo) style.









And here is a HD retexture of the Werewolves I am working on:







I am also still working on the graphics mod I mentioned, and will be expanding my Fallout 3 mod, DDD Rifles when I get chance. Some of my other mods need updates too... BUSY BUSY BUSY.

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I figure Skyrim could use some more tree diversity. The pine forests, fall forest and reach are okay (even if the reach trees seem a little skinny) but the tundra and marsh are reduced to re-using pines and reach trees.



The fall forest is okay, just add some colour touches.



Loads of overgrown stuff in the swamps to make for a dense and claustrophobic experience



A greener reach



A major overhaul of the tundra which previously borrowed pines and those godawful driftwood trees. Fun fact, nearly all the pines are facing the same way, which becomes painfully obvious when replacing them with more asymmetrical trees. They also tend to be clustered in groups (like a bunch of pine05s together). Tons of rotating and scaling fun for all.




While the scope of this mod is strict (TREES), I'm also working on a complementary mod for grass diversity








But it's still in the early stages and needs heavy tweaking.







(with massive thanks to Ga-knomboe Boy and Elinen, without whose resources this would be a non-starter)

Edited by acidzebra
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I'm now expanding my player-owned castle mod into something rather ambitious... A series of purchasable castle homes throughout Skyrim, all in reasonably accurate medieval architecture. I'm not interested in Disney castles nor do I want glorified wooden shacks... Think 11th to 15th century. And they will be cold, draughty and damp affairs, just like real castles were :P


Also, each one will be kerspensive, like 75k to 100k each. Because my character needs to spend her absurd gold reserves on something...


Should be ready for release in about 20 years I reckon!

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