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Rebuilding Our Government


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'A deviant subculture is defined by sociologist Anthony Giddens as one "whose members have values which differ substantially from those of the majority in a society."


"American government is a deviant subculture. Its leaders stand on soapboxes and polarize the public by pointing fingers while secretly doing the bidding of special interests. Many public employees plod through life with their noses in rule books, indifferent to the actual needs of the public and unaccountable to anyone. The professionals who interact with government -- lawyers and lobbyists -- make sure every issue is viewed through the blinders of a particular interest, not through the broader lens of the common good. Government is almost completely isolated from the public it supposedly serves. The one link that is essential for a functioning democracy -- identifiable officials who have responsibility to accomplish public goals -- is nowhere to be found. Who's in charge? It's hard to say. The bureaucracy is a kind of Moebius strip of passing the buck. The most powerful force in this subculture is inertia: Things happen a certain way because they happened that way yesterday. Programs are piled upon programs, without any effort at coherence; there are 82 separate federal programs, for example, for teacher training. Ancient subsidies from the New Deal are treated as sacred cows. The idea of setting priorities is anathema. Nothing can get taken away, because that would offend a special interest."


I found this while looking through some govt. related stuff. I have to wonder what can be done. Surely some of our elected officials understand their responsibility to the people they represent. If none of them do then how could we change this? Does the whole structure need to come tumbling down to be completely rebuilt so our grandchildren might have the govt. they deserve? Or do we as a nation need to change? Where do the problems start and where do they end? How have other countries in the world managed to regulate their governments with any success?


I think one of the first things to be addressed is how positions in the govt. are filled in the first place. How can we ensure that govt. offices are occupied by competent, responsible, and ultimately accountable politicians? I think most can agree that our election process has proven to be a failure in ensuring the best qualified candidates take office. Actually it could be argued that none of the candidates for govt. offices are qualified. How do we change this?


As I have lived in this country, I have usually trusted in the wisdom of the older generations to guide America and solve these issues. But it has become painfully obvious that I- like so many other Americans - have ignored it all in the hopes that it might fix itself. It has not and stands to get much, much worse. :geek:

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The current system is unfixable. It has a momentum all it's own, and the american public are complicit in ensuring it continues that way. Even though we know for a fact that the folks we put into office in the last election cycle, are more concerned about re-election, than they are about 'doing what's right for america'.... They do what's "right" for THEM, yet we continue to put them back into office..... This has been going on for decades, and shows no signs of changing. I suspect that the only way that is going to change, is following our current course to its inevitable conclusion. Collapse. That is not going to be pretty, and will have a side affect of possibly dramatically reducing the population.... I don't want to live thru that. I don't even care to live to see it happen, as I most certainly will NOT live thru it.


Trump wants to make an attempt at fixing some of the issues. Term limits for congress being right up there on the list. Trouble is, he will have to have the cooperation of congress to pass any such law. That simply is not going to happen. There may be a few in congress that will vote for it, but, by and large, the majority are NOT going to cast a vote that cuts them off from their gravy train. Unfortunately, the same issue applies to a fair few of the measures he has in mind. The thought is nice, but, I really doubt he is going to be able to accomplish anything on that front.


We are doomed. :D

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The Media could have some influence there. In congress I mean. But not very much. There aren't to many that try to echo public sentiment accurately anyway. Since fighting with guns is completely out of the question the only thing we would have left is our voices.


I understand why people voted for Trump. But as you say he is only one man. Even the president has very limited power. But it has shaken the foundation just enough to let a few bills slip through congress and the house. Especially if Trump starts to gain a little momentum. What I'm curious to see is how far the President will go to help push his policies. I'm not sure how intelligent the man is. But I do know that he is a man that will go to extremes if he must to make things happen. The more outlandish and bombastic his ideas the better. Washington needs to be tipped on its ear and taken for a roller-coaster ride imo. Perhaps we as Americans should be embracing our impromptu "lover" with open arms in the hopes that this affair might help us solve the bigger issues.


This would be no where near enough. But it would be a start. :geek:

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The media is just as divided as the country, one side will wholeheartedly support the idea, the other side will decry it as the ravings of a lunatic. (simply because of who is suggesting it.....) I see the media as a major part of the problem at this point. They aren't interesting in reporting NEWS, they are more interested in putting forward their VIEW of the news.... There aren't any real reporters any more. "Journalistic Integrity" doesn't exist.

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We are doomed. :D

No we're not. The American people are just fine. The only thing that's doomed is our federal government, and the sooner it collapses entirely the better imo. Few people will even notice when it happens, other than our traitor teetsuckers themselves in DC.


BTW today's latest from the human garbage that calls itself Donald Trump: 10% more for our Pentagon and never mind all of my campaign rhetoric about China:




As I said in another discussion, game set and match to the multinationals, until the collapse.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Yeah. I kinda knew he'd back off China. Probably after one of his advisors told him that China is not a country we want to piss off right now. And there goes "Green Energy". :rolleyes:


He has backed off his rhetoric on some things , but the South China Sea still remains an issue. You simply can't have nations arbitrarily plopping a bunch of dirt into shallow sea's and claiming sovereignty. Personally I dont think thats China's real purpose. I think they are doing this as a means to draw any possible conflict away from the Chinese mainland. Lets it be settled hundreds of miles away approach.

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Yeah. I kinda knew he'd back off China. Probably after one of his advisors told him that China is not a country we want to piss off right now. And there goes "Green Energy". :rolleyes:

Trump has reneged on virtually all of his positions that were out of line with the RNC agenda. It's true from China to use of public toilets by transexuals. Please set your stopwatches to see how long it takes him to start claiming same-sex marriage recognition is a "states rights issue", and otherwise arguing for selective enforcement of our 14th and 5th Amendments. We have our own pathetic little Hitler here.

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Yeah. I kinda knew he'd back off China. Probably after one of his advisors told him that China is not a country we want to piss off right now. And there goes "Green Energy". :rolleyes:

Trump has reneged on virtually all of his positions that were out of line with the RNC agenda. It's true from China to use of public toilets by transexuals. Please set your stopwatches to see how long it takes him to start claiming same-sex marriage recognition is a "states rights issue", and otherwise arguing for selective enforcement of our 14th and 5th Amendments. We have our own pathetic little Hitler here.


Trump isn't the problem though. The whole system is. If you think everything is hunky dory, and the voters will have their way, I would point out that that has been proven time and again NOT to be the case.


Yes. We are indeed doomed. We are going to spend ourselves right into bankruptcy/economic collapse, and then the real fun begins.

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Yeah. I kinda knew he'd back off China. Probably after one of his advisors told him that China is not a country we want to piss off right now. And there goes "Green Energy". :rolleyes:

Trump has reneged on virtually all of his positions that were out of line with the RNC agenda. It's true from China to use of public toilets by transexuals. Please set your stopwatches to see how long it takes him to start claiming same-sex marriage recognition is a "states rights issue", and otherwise arguing for selective enforcement of our 14th and 5th Amendments. We have our own pathetic little Hitler here.


Trump isn't the problem though. The whole system is. If you think everything is hunky dory, and the voters will have their way, I would point out that that has been proven time and again NOT to be the case.


Yes. We are indeed doomed. We are going to spend ourselves right into bankruptcy/economic collapse, and then the real fun begins.


It's simply self-correction. Both of our major parties have signed on to this ongoing treason for 45 years now, and today Trump finally exposed himself as just the newest mouthpiece for this same multinational machine. As if we didn't already know. Trust me on this one, if Trump wasn't a tool for this machine he would not have secured the RNC's blessing to run under their banner. We've suffered four decades of "recession", when the simple truth is that our economy "receded" all the way to Beijing. The multinationals have not spent the last 40 years greatly expanding China's manufacturing sector, and in many cases creating one where it didn't exist previously, just to have Trump say thanks anyway but never mind.


So you're correct, the question isn't whether bankruptcy is inevitable. In the meantime, last I heard Trump was claiming our media was the enemy of the American people and he had banned news outlets from our White House. I think the awful truth has dawned on him, that being president makes him almost infinitely more impotent than he is in the private sector.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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