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Butcher Giveaway!


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In response to post #48314617.

Ethreon wrote: Impressive the large amount of clueless people that moan about a free bloody giveaway.

After 16 years in this community, I'm not shocked in the slightest. It used to boggle the mind but now it's just "oh yeah, right, silly me". It becomes easier to ignore it as the years go by and you just focus on helping out people who are actually nice, friendly and positive influences in the community while ignoring those who certainly aren't. Edited by Dark0ne
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Not really keen on these giveaways that are only done in the hopes more money will be made from views/sales.


Wait? What? The whole reason giveaways are done is in the hopes of more views/sales to increase revenue (or, in the case of non-profits, contributions.) That's the ONLY reason they're done. (What planet do you live on?)

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In response to post #48314617. #48314917 is also a reply to the same post.

Ethreon wrote: Impressive the large amount of clueless people that moan about a free bloody giveaway.
Dark0ne wrote: After 16 years in this community, I'm not shocked in the slightest. It used to boggle the mind but now it's just "oh yeah, right, silly me". It becomes easier to ignore it as the years go by and you just focus on helping out people who are actually nice, friendly and positive influences in the community while ignoring those who certainly aren't.

10 keys? polling from the nexus community? facebook and twitter? i'd be interested in seeing the numbers after the fact.
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i personally detest facebook, and last time i logged into twitter it said my account was suspended for spam activities, ive followed like 3 live streamers and logged in like 5 times. but that being said, KUDOS for THD and Nexus for doing something for the Nexus community. its like a little private giveaway, thats kinda neat. not my particular game type but ill go give it a look anyways because you never know, i liked breaking wheel so....
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In response to post #48325937.

amanandhisdog wrote: i personally detest facebook, and last time i logged into twitter it said my account was suspended for spam activities, ive followed like 3 live streamers and logged in like 5 times. but that being said, KUDOS for THD and Nexus for doing something for the Nexus community. its like a little private giveaway, thats kinda neat. not my particular game type but ill go give it a look anyways because you never know, i liked breaking wheel so....


Not going to jump through the hoops for "a chance" to win.

But, that is my choice. Thanks for the promo offer, THD.
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