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The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition


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CDProject Red is one the most strange companies I have seen, they Always start with the most damaging DRM available and sometime after they remove them all, was so with The Witcher and the StarForce of doom, and now with that Scientology like behavior of menacing to sue any "menace", they stepped out too...


Still that's right, is a game developer that well deserve everyone buying their games.


Coincidentally(?) that second edition became it's trade mark and they proved doing an exemplar work on it already.

Edited by nosisab
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The news about the free enhancement edition upgrade is indeed great news. I feel compelled to advertise the game for the folks that don't follow the way of the $$ as much as their peers.


Posted the trailer in The Witcher subforums but no responses! Seems The Witcher forum and mod area are somewhat deserted.. Any idea why such a great game has a lack of crowd or mods? Or are bulk of the fans on some other sites?

Edited by sendo75
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I don't care what you people think of me but adding content that was suppose to be in the base game in the first place feels really cheap. This feels like those cheap DLC that you'll be forced to buy, sorry but something so simple as a tutorial was a must in the base game and as such I don't give a flip over this. Most of these don't really add anything to the main story or to lore, sorry but they should have gone to see what needs fixing in TW2 and start pre-developing TW3.


Sendo: There are two main reasons why CDR can do this and others can't. One, they are part of a powerful company in Poland (imagine the Polish version of Sony Entertainment), which has the funds to make this and two wages in Poland are lower than UK, US and Canada, where the bulk of Western games are made. They already have a steady cashflow from gog and various other projects, which many companies don't have. It's why the rest of the industry are considering to enter the digital downloads market and start up their own download client servers.

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No Steam bullcrap, DRM shnizle. Free DLC's, right to use models for mods... I mean.. do you see anyone else do this?


And yet, the game still has a piracy rate of 5 pirates for every 1 legitimate buyer.


I don't care what you people think of me but adding content that was suppose to be in the base game in the first place feels really cheap.


Not sure if trolling or just stupid.

Edited by Halororor
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No Steam bullcrap, DRM shnizle. Free DLC's, right to use models for mods... I mean.. do you see anyone else do this?


And yet, the game still has a piracy rate of 5 pirates for every 1 legitimate buyer.



Not sure if trolling or stupid.


I never said it helped lower piracy. They help make there legit customer enjoy the game without the hassle of bulls*** software (skyrim *wink wink*)

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