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Request of Mods


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I've tried every trick and tip on removing that damnable stuck cursor, nothing seems to work for my game. I'm so completely at the end of my tether with it that I just want to remove the cursor entirely.
Playing keyboard and mouse I know that'd be a little inconvenient so... I'm wondering if anyone is able to change cursor icon into maybe a simple small dot?
Just something less obvious and annoying to save me from madness... Halp.


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''A shame that they didn't gave her something more womanly hairstyle'' - that's sexist. And she's ex-military, even if she did have long hair you'd then see it in a bun. Besides, the current hairstyle is feminine enough - you see that hairstyle in reality on both women and men roughly equally. Long hair should not strictly be considered ''womanly.'


And my only request is: old omni-tool back. The original one can be seen in multiplayer or generally when meleeing, I need that thing.

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Don't know if this is feasable under the current conditions, but I'd like to see the multiple items counter when buying/selling adapted to be able to either hold the plus/minus arrow to make numbers go up/down real fast, or a possibility to freely add a random number. Don't know what BioWare was thinking to make a counter that has just the ability to go up/down one at a time when selling, for instance, over a thousand Lithium of the more than 3000 I have in my inventory.


Another stupidity, inherited from former ME games is the fact that when re-entering the Tempest, you lift-off the planet and have to re-land or re-dock again afterwards instead of being able to pop in and out of the damn thing. I guess making it so that you can enter the Tempest without it actually leaving The Nexus/ a Planet would be even harder than my firts request, but it would be a great feature anyway.


So, to re-cap:


- Please make a mod to make selling/buying multiple items less tedious/time consuming.

- Please make a mod where one is able to pop in and out of the Tempest without it leaving the ground/docking area.


Thank you.

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About my request: Old omni-tool back.

I found a turian on Aya that uses the old omni-tool constantly in an idle animation. This means that the old omni-tool should be findable with Frosty's mod' manager and easily replacable with the Pathfinder's omni-tool. I don't know how but: It's a start if any-one wants to tackle it.

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Cant speak about the first request, but for the second one, probably not a reality unfortunately, this is because the take off animation hides the fact that the tempest sublevel is being loaded in. Without it, ud just be looking at a load screen instead

Depending on how long this loadscreen would take, anything (in my opinion) would be an amelioration over having to take off and land again just because you forgot to feed the fish. Or the Pyjak, in this case. There is off course the odd chance that, starting to cut into the game in this manner would/could break a few things...

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RE Tempest: the closest available mod is Shorter Landing and Departure Cinematics. As you can see from the description, the mod author did a lot of work and tinkering to get this to work; it wasn't a simple task.

Cheers nightscrawl. I saw that mod a while back but forgot about it. Will check it out :)

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I use Shorter Landing and Departure Cinematics. Definitely helps. :thumbsup:



RE Tempest: the closest available mod is Shorter Landing and Departure Cinematics. As you can see from the description, the mod author did a lot of work and tinkering to get this to work; it wasn't a simple task.

With this mod I haven't got time any longer to roll a cigarette when taking off or landing with the Tempest. So, besides soothing my frail nerves, the mod is also mucho healthy :D


Thanks guy & doll ;)

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