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Spot the creation kit beta testers?


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Yes, NDA is lifted. No, I'm afraid none of us thought to ask about a search feature. It may not be too late, we still have our beta forum. :P


Yes, some of the reported issues people are beginning to see WERE raised with them, but not everything got dealt with, and some things never even raised a response. I doubt anyone should be surprised by that.

Edited by Arthmoor
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Yes, NDA is lifted. No, I'm afraid none of us thought to ask about a search feature. It may not be too late, we still have our beta forum. :P


Yes, some of the reported issues people are beginning to see WERE raised with them, but not everything got dealt with, and some things never even raised a response. I doubt anyone should be surprised by that.


if you can, also ask them for a button (if there isnt one already that I just happened to miss) to show the mods you already "subscribed" to. It is a bit hard to manage the mods when you have no way of uninstalling any you dont like, except from manually browsing all the mods on there... (also, I assume that "unsubscribe" means deinstalling the mod? or does it just stop the updates?).


Why the heck did they choose the word "subscribe" instead of "download" anyways?


EDIT: Nevermind, there is a link to "your subscriptions" right after you "subscribe" to one. However I have yet to find a button like that in the deafult menu. Do I have to subscribe to a new mod each time I wish to remove another?

Edited by amycus
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Hey Arthmoor, or anyone on the beta team, can you pass this on? A lot of my friends are having trouble setting up custom races as it's just overly complicated this time. Can you pass on my suggestion about adding a race creation wizard (there's probably more that need the same treatment) into the next version that makes common races easy to set up, like creatures, humanoids, and playable biped races? Edited by ziitch
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