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Roman Spintriae Sex Coin


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I had this idea to fashion a coin modelled after the ancient Roman Spintriae sex coins...my description of them is below.


I made a .dds file with the coin images in place. But i do not know how to give the coin the 3D part ofd the image.


Can someone who knows how, do it for me?








Explanation of the coin:


It's a replacement for the coin.


The images on the coin are x-rated, but authentic reproductions of the actual coins.



And for one intrepretation of the coins...



Spintriae, somewhat smaller than a quarter and struck from brass or bronze, typically

depicts an X-rated scene on one face and a Roman numeral from I to XVI on the other.


They’re thought to have been minted somewhere between the years 22 and 37, during the

reign of the emperor Tiberius, about whom more later.


Typical rates for prostitutes at the time were somewhere in the range of two to 10 asses

(giggle if you must, but yes, the basic unit of Roman currency was called the as),

which lines up fairly well with the one-to-16 range imprinted on the coins.


Throw in the fact that the hanky-panky is shown taking place in a luxury setting,

possibly suggestive of a high-rent cathouse, and you can understand why many have

guessed that spintriae were in fact standardized sex tokens, with the number on the

back naming the fee for the act shown on the front.


Offered in support of this conclusion is a study by a Warsaw professor who surveyed

modern-day prostitutes (ah, academia) and found that their higher- and lower-priced

services corresponded to acts pictured on the higher- and lower-numbered tokens




Anyway...now you may claim the nudity in the game is historical...smiles.



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Hey Ghosu...


Thanks for the "n" dds file...appreciated!


I will be making that rar file available on the Nexus file area soon, and will credit your work in my readme file.


I have attached the updated rar file here if you want to use it...




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