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Nexus Vs Steam Workshop. A warning for Modders


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why do i have the feeling that the reason Valve wants to team up with bethsoft is becuz they want to make money from the mods...?

In a nutshell, valve and their spyware are BS, stick with nexus

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Good post! I'm guessing there are quite a few out there yet who don't realise what an intrusive, control freak, money grubbing obnoxious POS Steam is. Your observations vividly illustrate just couple facets of that entity's reason for being and mind set. Edited by FlankerDFR
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I will either mod and upload to the nexus only, or I will not mod at all.


In fact if I'm forced to upload to Steam Workshop that's going to destroy what little want I have to play Skyrim at all. Modding's what keeps these games alive and if I'm forced to give the rights of my mod to Steam, well, I'm done.

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Another reason why steam failed. I almost find it funny that, while we don't mind adding a donation box, we do mind if we're charged up front for the product. Another flaw in human thinking that I despise. But, moving right along...


This is BIG. No wait, big is a understatement, this is HUGE. Not only copyrights, but also profit? I swear every day I find more and more reasons to hate steam...as well as more and more reasons why there should be a non-steam mod for Skyrim. Which, of course, would open up a whole new door of piracy if it was ever made, unfortunately, but at the same time, its almost ironic, because Gabe Newell himself commented on how poor service tends to be releated to piracy:




But back on topic, I see the steam workshop as BAD now. It's BAD. BAD BAD BAD. I thought it 'might' actually be good because it would be convienent to download and install mods, but if they're going to just charge up the rear end and label copyrights on them, forget it! I will stick with skyrimnexus than deal with the s*** steam workshop manufactures.


Steam workshop is bad, people. The only way I think we are ever going to get a message to steam is to protest...it worked for L4D2, why not Skyrim?

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"...the reason Valve wants to team up with bethsoft is becuz they want to make money..."


Seems legit.


No, money is bad, evil, worse than anything you can imagine. It is the root of all evil.


Seriously, gamers who say that are probably the ones hording stuff in-game and killing others just to loot them.

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if a mod is owned by steam it will claim copyrights and it will be fully legal. and in fact it will be called copyright infringement if it is then posted on nexus which with the avid policy of upholding copyright law they will remove it and ban you if you talk about getting the mod in other ways but steam.


seriously this whole steam thing is going to mess up what we knew as far as this modding community goes.

the choice of course lies with modders and the community. if you have the strength to actually back up free sharing of mods than stay here.

if you dont care go with steam.


Bethesda has made a statement too with steam as I am sure there will be kickbacks.


in my opinion as I have stated earlier steam will over the long term win out because not many will stand by principle and once a few modders start making a little cash for their work it will grow from there.

25% is so disgusting even if modders still decide to sell.


we shall see

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I'm not happy about it because I think its about control of content and capital gain. I think that the subsequent changes will have far reaching affects on the Open Community and the way we use and view mod content. I think this will fragment the modding community into Steam people and not Steam people (Nexus?) or if you like, Imperials and Stormcloaks.


My fear is that the Steam workshop will require all Mod content to go through them in the long term, merely by ensuring that the best tools will only work with the Steam Workshop. Imagine if we did not have permission to use the CK, we would be in exactly the same situation as we are now where things can be changed but to make any decent changes to the game would require a special app controlled by Steam. We'll know next week at the release of the CK when the whole picture will become much clearer, only time will tell how willing Steam et al are to dissolve the current status quo. Be Lucky!

Edited by alsoran
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Good post! I'm guessing there are quite a few out there yet who don't realise what an intrusive, control freak, money grubbing obnoxious POS Steam is. Your observations vividly illustrate just couple facets of that entity's reason for being and mind set.


You can't just state something like this. You have to proof it. So. Inside your steam application go to the sytem information. Your discovery? All your software, no matter on which harddrive is displayed there and what can be displayed in steam, steam knows about. For instance, the online banking software you use for security reasons ... ROFL! In Germany, if the police wants to remotely spy on someones computer they need to get a court order! Even the gouvernment ties it's own hands for protection of it's citizens! Does Valve ty it's hands too? You bet not. Are they beyond the law? They certainly behave like that. Which makes them criminals, nothing less! Someone should send the Feds over. Megaupload certainly deserved it. Now ask yourself the same think about Valve.

Edited by olafreinhardweyer
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