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What Would Make You Use Scrolls?


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Craftable scrolls for special skills/spells, such as a campfire scroll for frostfall (must craft a campfire, then use a spell to transfer it to blank awaiting scroll)

Then use at your leisure, and a roaring campfire appears where you aimed it. Nice immersive, and useful.

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I use a few scrolls early on, but not many in later levels, as I am able to cast most things then. I usually discard fireball, stuff like that, and I keep the healing, the bane of the undead, things that may save my behind in a pinch. One thing I find amusing, though, is giving scrolls to the prisoners I liberate from the thalmor. They don't seem to use all of them, but I have seen prisoners launch fireballs, when they have the scroll in hand.

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The only time I have ever used a scroll is to cast a conjure atronach spell when I had very little magicka and I needed some extra canon fodder to recover for a few seconds.


The problem with scrolls is that if you are a caster, there is no reason to need them, and if you are not a caster then you kit yourself out in the expectation that you will not be casting. As long as casters can have a gazillion spells in their spellbook, they are generally better off chugging a potion to restore their magicka and casting the spell themselves than using a scroll. There is basically no reason for scrolls to exist as far as I'm concerned.


I have been thinking of making scrolls scale with alchemy of all things, since then scrolls would be useful for alchemists who of course have two significant weaknesses in their crafting skill since it does not affect undead or daedra and the potions are consumed when used, whereas enchantments and tempering have no such limitations.

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Have used them, but as posted, to much fapping about in the menu activating them etc. I now mostly use them for easy coin. There too little difference to spells for a scroll to be used. They need to be made to be unique. Completely different spells or combined spells that are much better than a spell and then make them harder to find. So they are then a level above spells and then worth while finding and using.

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Scrolls need more incentive for being used. Like maybe make them have more duration and magnitude in comparison to ones that require magicka.

and dual casting will multiply those benefits

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I must confess, to me the equation is: Scrolls + leveled Speechcraft = $$$. In other words, I collect every scroll I run across and stash them away at my home until I get my Speechcraft way the f.. uhm, heck up there. Then I go to various merchants and court wizards to sell them for dump-loads of cash.


tl;dr Scrolls = $$$

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