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Super Bowl XLVI


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I only watched the first half, it was pretty boring but I guess the ending was good? Anybody see it? Don't care much for either team...still glad the Patriots didn't win. Hopefully next season will be better (and the Bears get in :P)


What was quite upsetting were the commercials. I don't know if they got any better after halftime, but they were terrible. 2/3 of them were either Hyundai or some other car commercial. The Pepsi one with Elton John was terrible....they all were. Seriously, 30 million or some crazy amount of money for a 30 second spot and they couldn't make something better? I think the only good one was the M&M one. Pretty sad when commercials have gone to a new low, especially during the Super Bowl.


Any of you see any good commercials?

Edited by Illiad86
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I saw the last two minutes of the game at a sports bar. I wasn't particularly wowed with the commercials, and I seem to be getting that way with each passing year. As TC said, I saw a ton of car ads and didn't care too much about those.


There must have been beer ads. And I am sure Doritos did an ad, which are usually worth a smile. Time to look it up.

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Ah...I figured it was pretty boring, seems to get that way every year. Last years was nice, whole state was crazy when the Pack won. You wouldn't believe how irate the news was when they lost the playoffs. Most terrible game I've ever seen played.


One good thing I did get out of even watching it was a free one topping pizza and a 2 litre from Papa Johns :P Took an hour and a half to deliver my pizza yesterday lol I really wonder how many they had to give away with that promotion.

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