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Bethesda texture pack vs Skyrim HD 2k Textures


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Well, while there are merits to both, ultimately it is your own personal decision!

I agree, it's a subjective thing but note that the official pack is the original textures at higher resolution, whereas many HD mods are actually new textures at higher resolution - actually it can be more than that but let's keep this simple


Which is better (you prefer) is still personal choice however ;)

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The Bethesda textures help to reduce the blurry effect that you get if you stand closer to walls, trees, furniture, etc. ingame. Now things look just as good 2ft away as they do 20ft away. Whereas before, it was downright painful to stand 3ft away from a wall and stare at it. ;) I haven't downloaded it on my desktop, but on my laptop, it is an improvement over "Vanilla" soley due to the increased size of the textures. It also is a small enough performance hit that I can use it on my laptop, which is a definite plus. It does not seem to affect Ground textures, stone roads and dirt are just as blurry as ever. Other than that, it's pretty good.


On my desktop, I will most likely be avoiding this, because the new textures that some of the modders are making are at least 3x prettier and of better quality. If you have a system that can handle the Modder created texture packs, then by all means use them instead of the Bethesda textures. If you have a weaker/older system, grab the "Official" textures and go club a giant for me. :D

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I unpacked the textures I wanted from the official HD pack and then installed the HD 2k textures, the modded textures are still better than HD bethesda ones.
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There are many textures that 2K does not cover that the official texture pack does. Having both active is the best option.

Sadly it is not, the Pack is ESP controlled so it forces the use of the BSA textures over those on the /data ... what for it's time plays havoc on body and face textures... be prepared for a real mess if using them.


To me for now, the solution is disabling the two ESPs from the pack until a real solution to the "problem" is found.

Edited by nosisab
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