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Your Chance to Rant about Entitled Mod Users for FO4


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@ Star Mystyk Yes that is what I meant. I know the author has quit for whatever reason and I am not complaining. It would be useful to the new persons working on it to have the files that the original never released so that they might continue with that work and release even half or so of what was originally intended. In this case an author recorded many lines from a talented voice actress for a custom char and didn't release it. I would just like those files for the new authors. I politely asked. I understand if they do not have them anymore. What I am saying I guess is why not give the files intended as an update to someone else so that they might continue to work on them- especially when it is vey good? Again I am not complaining. Simply asking a question. :happy:

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I think its really unfair to act as if its just mod users that are the problem honestly. There are plenty of asshats of course, but i've also seen a lot of mod authors that act like absolute jerks as well. Plenty of them snapping at people for providing the slightest criticism or asking the most reasonable question. Its a problem on both sides of the fence from what i've seen.

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@ jaitsu I would agree with you to some extent. But remember that they are probably that way from having to deal with snide remarks or unfair criticism in the first place. The burden is on you to be patient because you are using their mod- not the other way around. :happy:

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I've read through most of this thread (it is about 3am here) and I have to ask the OP and others a question. Based on the thread title and the discussion, what do you hope to achieve here?


I am not saying there isn't an issue at times here. This is my second stint as a moderator and I've been here nine years. We (moderators) probably know more than anyone else the attitudes sometimes present on The Nexus.


But what are you hoping to achieve? Do you think a thread discussing how members act entitled and like little dillweeds will change the behavior? Do you hope to antagonize them? Do you forget there are modders out there (indeed any member of the site) that are twin stars to the very people that you "rant" about?


Perhaps it would be a more positive choice (and could be like the very constructive criticism that many modders oft bemoan about not getting about their files) that we all think of ways to also deal with this conflict? Discuss ways to positively handle people that behave in a poor way or improve modder/member relations.


I realize things get tough at times. I think it would not only make some of you feel better about things/people being "ranted" about here, but to also provide ideas towards minimizing the impact people who in the manner in which your subject title indicates.

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A part of the reason WOTC was dropped, or better said motivation lost to improve upon, was due to "entitled users" leaving completely irrelevant negative comments or destructive feedback on the mod. I'm all for constructive criticism, and I'm all for calling a spade a spade, but a lot of what I see is whinging over misunderstandings or improper configuration on a users behalf. It's one thing to misunderstand an instruction or skip some stage in an installation, it's another to take your own frustration out on anybody because of your shortcomings. And that would also be Retail 101 (glad I am out of that game, omg). I have seen a number of condescending asshat mod authors as well, thats a different level of low that deserves flaming as well.


Now I will say, I did not pick up the pieces of that mod because I am looking for fame, certainly not fortune, but because I want to see such a system come to fruit and I would like to learn more about the games that enjoy so much. A lot more people are becoming oppressed and oppressive, this reflects the times we live in where there is so many people on the planet and everything is monetized, nobody care about anybody anymore, only how they can best you whether for physical or spiritual/emotional gain.

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@ Linspuppy It is all about venting in a constructive way. No one is going off on a tangent so far. If anything it will serve to give a proper perspective with regards to both mod authors and users. I am quite sure most users never understand the amount of work that goes into creating these mods for FO4 or any other game for that matter. Awareness- that is the goal. Not to be inflammatory. Besides, some of the posts from various authors are pretty funny. :D

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Interesting topic.


There are a lot of trolls out there. My favorite ones are the professional idiots. "MOD NOT WORK. DON'T DOWNLOAD. NO UPDATE SINCE 1 WEEK, MOD DEAD."

...and have installed 3 different weapon overhauls. 5 sluty piper overhauls and wonder why she looks like Mama Murphy with boobs, that add 500 damage resistance. But guess what... they "uninstall" your mod, but when you release a new version they download it again. Yes, really saw that, as i tracked one troll.


Yes, there are mod authors who can't stand that and vanish. It's sad but they are also naive. I mean, its the internet, what do you expect? That everyone will praise your work? You need to be strong to survive. Especially youtubers can sing you a song about that, about offensive comments, death threats etc.


But there are/were mod authors i also didnt like, for example DDproductions. Never seen such a offensive mod author. Specially his extreme rant about Bethesda / Todd Howard.


And in the end, ranting about ranting mod users/mod authors doesn't solve anything, as it will only provoke more rant/hate.

There are options on the nexus to report, delete posts, ban users from your files etc. Its a good way to keep them away, if you feel the need for that.

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To me it just seems like a public version of those threads in GMAD. Except a little more civil, though probably only because out here we have actual moderators like yourself to keep things reasonable. Thank you by the way.


Although since this is a public discussion, perhaps it is more likely that something might change. That somebody could recognise that they may have been doing things wrongly in the past. But let's be honest, most of those people aren't here looking at these forums.


Now, please excuse me while I ride off on my high horse.

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@ Galvon94 Well they might be reading these forums. It is when they need to read and learn that there seems to be a problem. Though there is the language barrier to consider. I can understand people from other countries having trouble with English. But at least they are trying. The same cannot be said for others that speak and understand the language just fine. They seemingly wont be bothered to read much of anything at all because it is an inconvenience. Others are just mean- as llammaRCA already said in an earlier post.

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