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Is there a MOD limit?


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One mod before the crashes start happening :laugh: . I don't think there is a true limit that is realistic. I was running probably somewhere between 50-70 oblivion mods (using an .esp) at one point with a stable game so you could probably go over 100 fine. Just expect longer load times.
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Indeed, 256 is the absolute maximum of concurrent ESPs and ESMs (255 + Skyrim.esm, of course). That's due to the byte value prefixing the mod (0-255 or more precisely 00-FF hex). Still, this limit is a tad smaller in practice. I don't know how Skyrim deals with that amount but for previous games the engine was aware even of non active mods inside the /data and even of ESPs hidden in the whole game folder structure (even those having the extension changed, like xyz.esp.old, mind you), what contributed to make the value smaller and helped getting instability.


Anyway, even this amount of mods is somewhat harming to load time figures and memory usage, reason for that specific and hard to define possible instability some have reported before.

Edited by nosisab
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If you are willing to merge plugins, there is no limit, at least theoretically. For example, I've merged many of my weapon/clothing/armor mods, a bunch of quest mods and several patches that use their own esp, and I currently have 298 active mods in my game, but only 174 listed in my load order. Granted, about 30 of those mods are texture replacers that don't get an esp, but you see my point.


Just outa curiosity... how good, like the minimum system requirements, does ur computer have to be to run around 200 mods?

It really depends on what kind of mods they are; texture quality, the amount of scripting, etc. You could easily install 200 mods that add nothing but armor and weapons with little impact. On the other hand, adding a crap-ton of script heavy mods like Frostfall, and 4k Landscape textures with lush grass can bring even a good system to it's knees. It also matters how good of a job you do installing them so they work well together.

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