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Should I move from SE to Legendary?


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I know this is really hard to believe, but I never had a chance to play Skyrim back in the days. So, when SE came out, I decided to give it a try & guess what I became addicted to this game just like everyone here. Even with the 64bit & creation engine upgrades it's really painful to notice that it has only 12.5% of mods when comparing with this original Skyrim. Also, without SKSE64 support, most mod authors can't port their mods to SE. Honestly, I don't believe even with the SKSE64 support, every single skyrim mod will be available for SE. Because mod authors are real people with real jobs & lives. It's too much work for them. Not to mention they will have to maintain two separate mod versions for Skyrim and Skyrim SE. So, that leads to my question & I'm looking for an expert opinion or advice. I only have spent like 200 hours on SE. Before it's too late, should I move to old Skyrim Legendary edition?. What do you guys think?. And remember, I'm a complete stranger to this massive Skyrim world. I started to play this game in 2016. Keep that in mind when you post your suggestion or advice & I really glad if you guys can help me with this.

Edited by ipman98
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I second that recommendation. Also, a lot of mods HAVE been ported over that originally relied on SKSE driven options (like MCM menus) by the mod authors using "workarounds". For example, using a "spell" to make adjustments in the mod in place of the MCM.


Many famous mod authors have assured us on their mod pages that they will update the mods that they've ported to fully utilize SKSE, SkyUI and the like when they get released. So you really can have your cake and eat it too.


Also, SkyUI 2.2 WILL work in SE. You just don't get all the bells and whistles like auto-sort.


EDIT: And there's another point to consider. If you have Win8 (either version) or Win10, then you will have more CTD issues than normal because Oldrim (what we call Legendary) is a DX 9 game. Win8 and 10 caps the available memory for DX 9 games to 4GB. This means that too much memory demand (which a heavily modded Oldrim can easily do) will lead to CTDs. SE doesn't have this issue since it is a DX 11 game.

Edited by LeddBate
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eh i say stick with SE. most mods (that matter) will be ported when SKSESE gets made.



I second that recommendation. Also, a lot of mods HAVE been ported over that originally relied on SKSE driven options (like MCM menus) by the mod authors using "workarounds". For example, using a "spell" to make adjustments in the mod in place of the MCM.


Many famous mod authors have assured us on their mod pages that they will update the mods that they've ported to fully utilize SKSE, SkyUI and the like when they get released. So you really can have your cake and eat it too.


Also, SkyUI 2.2 WILL work in SE. You just don't get all the bells and whistles like auto-sort.


EDIT: And there's another point to consider. If you have Win8 (either version) or Win10, then you will have more CTD issues than normal because Oldrim (what we call Legendary) is a DX 9 game. Win8 and 10 caps the available memory for DX 9 games to 4GB. This means that too much memory demand (which a heavily modded Oldrim can easily do) will lead to CTDs. SE doesn't have this issue since it is a DX 11 game.


Yep, that's exactly what I'm trying to say. Mods that matter the most will be ported to SE by the creator or someone else. But what about hundreds of small mods?. Small tweaks, armor parts & npcs...so on. Many creators of these tiny mods are not even active in the Nexus anymore. Many of them are gone or they just stopped. Sure, some of those mods will be ported by other people. But what about the rest?. Those mods will be just forgotten.


I'm aware about DX9 and CTD issues with Oldrim. Also I know it's 32bit. But there are various patches & fixes available online to fix these CTD & memory limit issues. (I don't know if they will actually work on Win10). If those fixes work exactly as they claim to be, then I don't think this CTDs & memory limits gonna be a massive problem.


And according to SKSE developers, there are still lot of work to do, to release a working beta & they don't have a release date. I'm 100% sure it will come out, but then will it be too late?. Mod creators have been waiting for months to port their mods to SE. But the truth is SKSE developers have their own lives, jobs & so much real life stuff to deal with. So working on a huge project like SKSE64 can take a long time. But, people might not wait that long. And if that happened, many mods we are expecting, might not will be released to SE, ever.


That's my opinion. Sorry, if I'm not optimistic.

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I always say you should consider decisions on what is here *now* . So if you really want all the bells and whistles that have been made since 2011, Legendary is the way to go right now.

If you wait, yeah, things might be great when SKSE64, but its a big project, so who knows when it hits, and as you mention yourself, that all the mods you love get ported? So if you really like what you see go and want it today, go Legendary. And, if a lot of mods do get ported to SSE+SKSE64, then you can look forward to playing that in the future, since you already own it.

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I had over 200 mods focused on character and textures and played 4 days and nights without single ctd.


When I installed SMIM, Apocalypse or mods that respawn of enemies, than ctd started to appear. Some of dungeons make ctd too. There is no problems with relightning skyrim mods, unp/cbbe, most of animations etc mods.


I was trying to play SE but I dont like graphics and there is no Enhanced Character Edit.


SE is more smooth, but its because of blur when you move and its fatal for me.


I have tried cca 10 enb presets in Legendary, played once with Tetrachromatic, but ended with Kountervibe. SE has no Kountervibe + Enhanced Character Edit, HDT, High Heels etc. - and its quite essential for me.


If you go with legendary, if your resolution is 1920x1080 install 2k textures, for small items 512 but no more than 1kd, body, skeleton, animation, dual sheeth, hdt, interesting npc, things that tweak skyrim like behaviours of npc, armors, weapons, but dont install new meshes of terrain excpet trees or grass, new dungeons, or what alters enemies respawn or adds new spells. Make game stable first. After that try to add rest like, meshes, ASIS, Obis, Apocalypse, Wildcat etc.


So if to move from SE to Legendary? Only if you like to mod Skyrim and your character. Its one of great part of the game. So Legendary only if you like it... I suggest start with MOD Organizer. Later you will find tools and start to modify mods and even create your owns items etc :).


gl :smile:


ps: even there will be skse, imo skyrim will never be so hype as it was, many creators of mods already focusing on another games. Some mods come out after five years of skyrim appeared, so there will be years, till skyrim will be like legendary edition and imo will never have that scale of mods

Edited by Rexeos
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I had over 200 mods focused on character and textures and played 4 days and nights without single ctd.


When I installed SMIM, Apocalypse or mods that respawn of enemies, than ctd started to appear. Some of dungeons make ctd too. There is no problems with relightning skyrim mods, unp/cbbe, most of animations etc mods.


I was trying to play SE but I dont like graphics and there is no Enhanced Character Edit.


SE is more smooth, but its because of blur when you move and its fatal for me.


I have tried cca 10 enb presets in Legendary, played once with Tetrachromatic, but ended with Kountervibe. SE has no Kountervibe + Enhanced Character Edit, HDT, High Heels etc. - and its quite essential for me.


If you go with legendary, if your resolution is 1920x1080 install 2k textures, for small items 512 but no more than 1kd, body, skeleton, animation, dual sheeth, hdt, interesting npc, things that tweak skyrim like behaviours of npc, armors, weapons, but dont install new meshes of terrain excpet trees or grass, new dungeons, or what alters enemies respawn or adds new spells. Make game stable first. After that try to add rest like, meshes, ASIS, Obis, Apocalypse, Wildcat etc.


So if to move from SE to Legendary? Only if you like to mod Skyrim and your character. Its one of great part of the game. So Legendary only if you like it... I suggest start with MOD Organizer. Later you will find tools and start to modify mods and even create your owns items etc :smile:.


gl :smile:


ps: even there will be skse, imo skyrim will never be so hype as it was, many creators of mods already focusing on another games. Some mods come out after five years of skyrim appeared, so there will be years, till skyrim will be like legendary edition and imo will never have that scale of mods



To be honest ypu could just port mods for your own use



I always say you should consider decisions on what is here *now* . So if you really want all the bells and whistles that have been made since 2011, Legendary is the way to go right now.


If you wait, yeah, things might be great when SKSE64, but its a big project, so who knows when it hits, and as you mention yourself, that all the mods you love get ported? So if you really like what you see go and want it today, go Legendary. And, if a lot of mods do get ported to SSE+SKSE64, then you can look forward to playing that in the future, since you already own it.



Thanks everyone for your advices!. This is exactly what I needed to know. Since I already have Oldrim in my steam library, I decided to give it a try. I will share my opinion on both versions later.



You are right. I could port most of basic mods myself to SE. But the painful part is debuging and finding conflicts, because I'm very new to this. SkyUI 2.2 and many other mods work on SE without any problems. But some cause really annoying bugs & sometimes they corrupt my save games. Also, since I have tons of mods in my load order, I don't think it's a good idea to test Oldrim mods on SE (perhaps later with a fresh install on another machine). But thanks for your advice.



Thanks for your advice. That's true, who knows when will SKSE64 come out & waiting forever isn't gonna help. Hopefully they will release a beta within next few months. Otherwise, eventually the hype is gonna go down and when it comes out, no one is gonna notice.



Thank you very much. You explained your point really well. This is exactly what I was looking for & I'm gonna try Oldrim. If I get along with it, I'm just gonna forget about SE. I will follow your instructions when installing mods.


Guys, even in Skyrim SE I have memory limit issues, freezes & crashes. So, I don't think Oldrim is gonna be any different. I have 16GB Ram & GTX 1050Ti. But Skyrim SE only use like 4GB of my total memory & sometimes it freezes in the middle of the gameplay for few seconds. I checked my hardware & everything seem to be just fine. So to me, Oldrim is not gonna be any worse.

Edited by ipman98
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Guys, even in Skyrim SE I have memory limit issues, freezes & crashes. So, I don't think Oldrim is gonna be any different. I have 16GB Ram & GTX 1050Ti. But Skyrim SE only use like 4GB of my total memory & sometimes it freezes in the middle of the gameplay for few seconds. I checked my hardware & everything seem to be just fine. So to me, Oldrim is not gonna be any worse.


I'm on Win 7 / 8Gb / 2GB Good but kinda old HD Radeon.


If I can manage to play without CTDs, so can you. You learn to work with the memory problems Skyrim has. Usually I do a quick play and keep adding mods and test for stability (By entering exiting Whiterun, do a good fight etc) . Only then I start playing for real. A big problem is adding mods when you do your real playthrough. (I know its tempting!)

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Guys, even in Skyrim SE I have memory limit issues, freezes & crashes. So, I don't think Oldrim is gonna be any different. I have 16GB Ram & GTX 1050Ti. But Skyrim SE only use like 4GB of my total memory & sometimes it freezes in the middle of the gameplay for few seconds. I checked my hardware & everything seem to be just fine. So to me, Oldrim is not gonna be any worse.


I'm on Win 7 / 8Gb / 2GB Good but kinda old HD Radeon.


If I can manage to play without CTDs, so can you. You learn to work with the memory problems Skyrim has. Usually I do a quick play and keep adding mods and test for stability (By entering exiting Whiterun, do a good fight etc) . Only then I start playing for real. A big problem is adding mods when you do your real playthrough. (I know its tempting!)



I think that's what I missed to do. I didn't make the game stable first. I just installed tons of mods I like, fixed conflicts and started to play seriously. I never tested one mod than few minutes. I think that's why my SE became so unstable. Thanks. I will try your way next time.

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