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Should I move from SE to Legendary?


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Guys, even in Skyrim SE I have memory limit issues, freezes & crashes. So, I don't think Oldrim is gonna be any different. I have 16GB Ram & GTX 1050Ti. But Skyrim SE only use like 4GB of my total memory & sometimes it freezes in the middle of the gameplay for few seconds. I checked my hardware & everything seem to be just fine. So to me, Oldrim is not gonna be any worse.


I'm on Win 7 / 8Gb / 2GB Good but kinda old HD Radeon.


If I can manage to play without CTDs, so can you. You learn to work with the memory problems Skyrim has. Usually I do a quick play and keep adding mods and test for stability (By entering exiting Whiterun, do a good fight etc) . Only then I start playing for real. A big problem is adding mods when you do your real playthrough. (I know its tempting!)



I think that's what I missed to do. I didn't make the game stable first. I just installed tons of mods I like, fixed conflicts and started to play seriously. I never tested one mod than few minutes. I think that's why my SE became so unstable. Thanks. I will try your way next time.



I am testing ram usage in whiterun by being in dragonsreach, after going to whiterun and entering shops (no more than 5 seconds). Outside walking from riverwood to thief/warrior/mage stones and checking if game stutter due loading too much. Playing from hdd lately as ssd died few weeks ago.

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I agree with your decision to switch from SE to Oldrim. I have used over 3,000 different mods during my time playing Oldrim. Most of these mods I enjoyed using, even though I did not keep them in my game. I doubt if more than a couple hundred of the mods that I have used will ever be ported over to SE. The important, blockbuster mods will be ported. However, most of the smaller, lesser known mods have only a small chance of being ported over to SE. I also strongly second the idea of using Mod Organizer. It is absolutely essential if you start playing more than 100 mods at a time.


If you want a stable game I would follow the S.T.E.P. Guide http://wiki.step-project.com/STEP: S.T.E.P will give you a solid build to start from. With all of its tutorials and video tutorials it will teach you how to use Mod Organizer and the various other tools that are essential to creating a game that does not crash every few minutes such as LOOT, Wrye Bash, TESVEdit, etc. I originally started using the STEP Guide, then went to Novalen's Skyrim Legendary Revisited (SLRE), http://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition and then to Dark_Mathias' SRLE Extended Legend of the Dragonborn. http://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_Legacy_of_The_Dragonborn. It was quite an educational journey and well worth it. I can now create my own load order with 255 esp files active which includes an additional 182 mods that are merged in. My game is stable. I still get crashes occasionally, but that seems to due to the game engine and not from the load order.


Have fun playing Oldrim and enjoy trying out the different mods. For me, trying new mods is a lot of the fun of playing Skyrim - it is amazing what people can create.

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Yes , all was said above,is helpful and relevant, depends on your rig, why not have both if you have the room on your hard disk.



I still have oldrim/ legendary with 200 mods which i tweak and swap around, and with all the minor mods which give a better resolution, also purely a matter of taste, I use the character mods to remove the Fugly element in the vanilla version.After 5000 hours plus, I'm still finding different scenarios for a fresh game. If i hadn't stumbled across the NEXUS, probably would have left the vanilla version after a few plays, the great thing about this community can be summed up with two words "What If?"

It helps to have some tailored saves to forgo all the introduction, and use some dlc completed saves to test out other mods.

In particular Alternate Start or Skyrim Unbound are great once you've done the main quests, so you're no longer held captive by the quest objectives,


With SE I'm using about 90 mods, and agree that it can only get better as more stuff is ported over,if skse64 is released later so what ,they'll get there eventually,

we'll enjoy new mods as well, thanks to all the previous authors and new authors that continue with the effort into creating them, I've only 200 hours logged so far on this version, that will increase i have no doubt.

Beware Skyrim is a black hole it will suck you in, there's no escape! it can take up a lot of your freetime if you let it, which is the mark of a truly great game.

Edited by pappywatts
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Yes , all was said above,is helpful and relevant, depends on your rig, why not have both if you have the room on your hard disk.



I still have oldrim/ legendary with 200 mods which i tweak and swap around, and with all the minor mods which give a better resolution, also purely a matter of taste, I use the character mods to remove the Fugly element in the vanilla version.After 5000 hours plus, I'm still finding different scenarios for a fresh game. If i hadn't stumbled across the NEXUS, probably would have left the vanilla version after a few plays, the great thing about this community can be summed up with two words "What If?"

It helps to have some tailored saves to forgo all the introduction, and use some dlc completed saves to test out other mods.

In particular Alternate Start or Skyrim Unbound are great once you've done the main quests, so you're no longer held captive by the quest objectives,


With SE I'm using about 90 mods, and agree that it can only get better as more stuff is ported over,if skse64 is released later so what ,they'll get there eventually,

we'll enjoy new mods as well, thanks to all the previous authors and new authors that continue with the effort into creating them, I've only 200 hours logged so far on this version, that will increase i have no doubt.

Beware Skyrim is a black hole it will suck you in, there's no escape! it can take up a lot of your freetime if you let it, which is the mark of a truly great game.


Agreed :laugh:. But since my Skyrim experience started with SE because I was too busy to play Oldrim back in the day, It's little bit difficult for me to get used to the Oldrim. Maybe because I have first tasted the newest version of creation engine, or maybe it's my personal preference. I find SE more stable than Oldrim with all available stability & memory patches combined. But with mods it seems SE has same issues likes CTDs and Freezes, even if my performance is more than enough.

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Also remember that Beyond Skyrim is nearing completion. Allthough I assume it will work on both Skyrim's.


Wow, it's still active. hard to believe people still love skyrim this much.

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Also remember that Beyond Skyrim is nearing completion. Allthough I assume it will work on both Skyrim's.


Wow, it's still active. hard to believe people still love skyrim this much.


I know, it's amazing!



It's in beta testing

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hard to believe people still love skyrim this much.


Not just Skyrim, the forums and mod downloads for both Oblivion and Morrowind are still buzzing along. Say what you will about Bethsda releasing buggy games (and a lot of people here have a lot to say on that subject) -they do release games that captivate us for a very, very long time. TES6 isn't "if", only "when".

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I'm playing a heavily modded SkyrimLE right now. The only thing really keeping me from SSE is the lack of SKSE64. As soon as it's released and stable, I'm sure some of my "must have" mods will be ported. SkyUI and RaceMenu are musts for me, and I simply refuse to play without them.


That being said, as someone who's running Win10, I'm looking forward to trying out a 64-bit game. Btw, to the person who said earlier that Win8.1 and Win10 limit older games to 4 gigs of RAM, that's not quite accurate. A 32-bit game will only use 4 gigs of RAM (actually a little less), no matter what OS it's run under. It's a limitation inherent in the coding. A 64-bit game will use whatever is available, consistent with leaving room for the OS to operate and so on.


And yes, Skyrim will CTD, even on the best rigs with absolutely nothing but vanilla assets. It's the nature of the beast. Morrowind and Oblivion were -- and probably still are -- the same way. I played Morrowind on a laptop. Every time I went into a propylon chamber, with its particle effects, my game became a slide show. Oblivion stopped working when I updated my graphics card driver, so I uninstalled it in a snit and never went back. In other words, even the vanilla games are going to have issues. However, I have heard good reports of game stability on SSE.


So, in answer to your original question, it's really up to you. There are many more mods for SLE right now, but considering how long the game's been out, that's not surprising. There are dedicated modders who will continue their work on SSE, and there are new modders coming in. There are lots of people who play games until they beat them, then move on to the next new thing. However, there are those of us who will put literally thousands of hours into a game, especially one we find as engaging and moddable as Skyrim.

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I'd like to change my earlier recommendation. If you can get a stable load order in Oldrim that only CTDs every couple of hours at worse, then go for that.


Until SKSE64bit comes out AND a majority of the "must have" mods (in your opinion) get updated. THEN switch to SE.


I really like SE. (Soooooo very stable.) But since I can get my load order in Oldrim stable enough that I only crash every few hours (a little more often in certain notorious locations like Morthal) then I can live with the crashes as long as I remember to quick-save every 15 minutes or so in order to avoid gameplay loss.

Edited by LeddBate
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