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What types of Oldrim mods might work in SE?


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I know that certain mods from the original game are compatible with the special edition and, please correct me if I am wrong, I have heard that most mods that don't use any scripting will work in special edition but I am not sure what types of mods use scripting and which ones don't. The only ones that I know for sure don't use any scripting and will work in special edition are simple texture replaces but I don't know any others.


So I would very much appreciate if you could let me know of any other categories (such as player homes, weapons, armor, followers, immersion etc.) where I might find mods that I can use in special edition. It would also be very helpful if you could let me let me know how I can tell which mods might be compatible and which ones won't.


Thanks :smile:


Sorry if this is a stupid question. I'm not very experienced in modding. :laugh:

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Depends on the mod. If the mod you have has SKSE as a requirement, it will not be able to be converted at this time. SKSE for SE is being worked on and has been for some time but the people behind it has yet to announce a release date. A lot of mods also use MCM (Mod Configuration Menu) to allow the user to easily configure options for the mods if they are available. There are far too many little details to keep in mind but luckily Darkfox127 made a really great video covering the specifics.

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What Skagens and mwhenry16 said above. I'll just add that you REALLY want to use SkyUI. Version 2.2 WILL work in SE, however, you won't get to use any of the bells-and-whistles like auto-sort. This is a very small price to pay for getting rid of the fugly UI in Skyrim.

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I can vouch for SKYUI. Version 2.2 (no later versions) works great with the special edition. Installed it yesterday. Makes the interface so much better.

Edited by gaultjohn
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I use a lot of textures mods from Oldrim. And if a mod, say SkyUI, has a pre extender version, it may work as well. Did I mention I'm a texture nut?

textures are still hit and miss - i've had some render my game complletely broken. one was a simple lantern texture replacer... but most seem to work fine.


The problem could be that issues related to using mods from oldrim may not crop up immediately in your game - so you might find out around level 10 that you have potentially game breaking issues. just note the mods you use from oldrim and troubleshoot with those first if issues come up.


Also - i use amidian and noble skyrim and a few cave and mine texture overhauls from oldrim and they work generally fine. I did run into an issue where i had black textured wood in mines and caves and that took some troubleshooting to fix. deleting the texture folders for the objects in NMM fixed it. was driving me nuts.


As for SKYui wasn't there an SE version - beta - up a few days ago, pretty sure I have it installed but nexus page says removed.... not on my machine now with my build to check.

Edited by KurganSPK
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