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Trump and Comey


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h! You want to humble me now.


I don't owe you any sort of explanation for anything i've posted ,perhaps you have a right to be bitter and angry but you don't have a right to take it out on those that had nothing to do with your life choices.You chose your path not i.



No you don't.


You are just having fun here.


That means??? Well? This is a gamers web forum.


I know how juggling my real life at home was and is now. While here though I can see we can be as ironic or comedic as we like as long as you don't start any religious debates, abuse any one openly here, and maybe not discuss military house rules. Military house rules disclosure might apply here and get us banned.


I was looking for a new way to earn a living.


What did you come here for?


As a matter of fact I did not choose to be crippled while in the Military.


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h! You want to humble me now.


I don't owe you any sort of explanation for anything i've posted ,perhaps you have a right to be bitter and angry but you don't have a right to take it out on those that had nothing to do with your life choices.You chose your path not i.



No you don't.


You are just having fun here.


That means??? Well? This is a gamers web forum.


I know how juggling my real life at home was and is now. While here though I can see we can be as ironic or comedic as we like as long as you don't start any religious debates, abuse any one openly here, and maybe not discuss military house rules. Military house rules disclosure might apply here and get us banned.


I was looking for a new way to earn a living.


What did you come here for?


As a matter of fact I did not choose to be crippled while in the Military.



You're blocked.

Edited by gandalftw
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It isn't just old age, I have MS as well, so, there will come a time when 'quality of life' flies right out the window. At that point, I would WELCOME someone putting bullet in my head/needle in my arm.


Oh,i see,well my apologies but it's the internet where we assume we know one another but we don't know a diddly damn.

I had a friend with MS,i used to go on walks with her and took her for rides on my Harley she was a beautiful girl and i miss her.This was the 1980's and from what i understand treatment of MS has come a long way since then.I wish you well.


No worries. :) I am still doing fairly well, I can still come here and spar with you. :D Still get around under my own power, for the most part. Just, no chance in hades of holding down a full time job....... I work part time at a computer shop, but, that is REAL hit and miss...... and not many jobs around here I can do. (the economy here still isn't the best......) And since my truck barely gets double digit gas mileage, driving any appreciable distance for work just ain't gonna happen. I NEED my truck for various jobs around the house, and, I can't afford to insure/maintain more than one vehicle.... So, my daily driver will pass anything but a gas station. Or, push it over..... :D


Life is decent. I just need to win the lottery, and call it a day. :D

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h! You want to humble me now.


I don't owe you any sort of explanation for anything i've posted ,perhaps you have a right to be bitter and angry but you don't have a right to take it out on those that had nothing to do with your life choices.You chose your path not i.



No you don't.


You are just having fun here.


That means??? Well? This is a gamers web forum.


I know how juggling my real life at home was and is now. While here though I can see we can be as ironic or comedic as we like as long as you don't start any religious debates, abuse any one openly here, and maybe not discuss military house rules. Military house rules disclosure might apply here and get us banned.


I was looking for a new way to earn a living.


What did you come here for?


As a matter of fact I did not choose to be crippled while in the Military.



You're blocked.


I see you like to pick up scraps.


I hope you're one of those smart Grand Parents that managed to save enough money to eventually afford to live in Assisted Living including the Memory support system like one person I know.


I officially take your last posts meaning as you would like me to stop posting on your thread. Very well.

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No worries. :smile: I am still doing fairly well, I can still come here and spar with you. :D Still get around under my own power, for the most part. Just, no chance in hades of holding down a full time job....... I work part time at a computer shop, but, that is REAL hit and miss...... and not many jobs around here I can do. (the economy here still isn't the best......) And since my truck barely gets double digit gas mileage, driving any appreciable distance for work just ain't gonna happen. I NEED my truck for various jobs around the house, and, I can't afford to insure/maintain more than one vehicle.... So, my daily driver will pass anything but a gas station. Or, push it over..... :D


Life is decent. I just need to win the lottery, and call it a day. :D


Good to hear you're doing well.

I do odd jobs for friends now and then,they always pay me more than they should but i don't complain.Hehe..I don't want a full time job anymore ,i worked 10-12 hours a day for many years as a welder/fabricator building RV and trailer prototypes.I loved it when i was young, kept me in shape, but i just got too old to do it anymore or to old to keep up with the young pups that worked along side me.


Life for me has been "a long strange trip" and i dug/dig every minute.;) Hehe...

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No worries. :smile: I am still doing fairly well, I can still come here and spar with you. :D Still get around under my own power, for the most part. Just, no chance in hades of holding down a full time job....... I work part time at a computer shop, but, that is REAL hit and miss...... and not many jobs around here I can do. (the economy here still isn't the best......) And since my truck barely gets double digit gas mileage, driving any appreciable distance for work just ain't gonna happen. I NEED my truck for various jobs around the house, and, I can't afford to insure/maintain more than one vehicle.... So, my daily driver will pass anything but a gas station. Or, push it over..... :D


Life is decent. I just need to win the lottery, and call it a day. :D


Good to hear you're doing well.

I do odd jobs for friends now and then,they always pay me more than they should but i don't complain.Hehe..I don't want a full time job anymore ,i worked 10-12 hours a day for many years as a welder/fabricator building RV and trailer prototypes.I loved it when i was young, kept me in shape, but i just got too old to do it anymore or to old to keep up with the young pups that worked along side me.


Life for me has been "a long strange trip" and i dug/dig every minute. :wink: Hehe...


Way to familiar with that sentiment. :)


Yeah, my friends are the same way..... But, they are MUCH better off financially that I am.... One of my buds paid me 40 bucks to sandblast a cast iron platter..... took me 15 minutes.... But, he retired from the Navy, (20 years in nuclear power) and is now head of buildings and grounds at an international airport..... So, yeah... he ain't doin' real bad. :D


On Topic: I note that they are dropping the Russian investigation thing. Of course, a republican is head of that particular committee..... Coincidence? :D

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Way to familiar with that sentiment. :smile:


Yeah, my friends are the same way..... But, they are MUCH better off financially that I am.... One of my buds paid me 40 bucks to sandblast a cast iron platter..... took me 15 minutes.... But, he retired from the Navy, (20 years in nuclear power) and is now head of buildings and grounds at an international airport..... So, yeah... he ain't doin' real bad. :D


On Topic: I note that they are dropping the Russian investigation thing. Of course, a republican is head of that particular committee..... Coincidence? :D


Most of my friends are much younger than i,my friends from the old days have either died or moved away.Most are friends or family of my girlfriend that i sort of inherited when we got together.They weren't too keen on me at first,thought i was weird, i guess, but they eventually got used to my cranky but lovable personality. :p


Dropped the Russian investigation?Man,i haven't heard that yet,wow i didn't expect that.I'm gonna have to check that out.. :thumbsup:

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Forgive me, but isn't this about a thing that an unknown source told a newspaper that can't be confirmed. I have a good idea the President Trump does things to irritate those who are irritated by his existence and I would wager that this unknown official was put up to this by President Trump, himself.

This guy has played himself right into the White House and has done it on the bodies of those who have underestimated him, starting with the very media types that are currently after his blood.


The trouble is that most of his detractors are so busy falling all over themselves to prove their attitudes toward him that they have become the news and not him. They feed a narrative that isn't flattering to anyone other than their own constituents and alienates the very people they will need regain the White House, when the time comes around.


The last election was not about the left or the right. It was about those who thought they were left along the roadside as the powers that be wrangled for political dominance. If these people aren't reached out to, they will not reach back in the next election.

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I'm not sure what's going on,i can't find any info that claims the investigation has been dropped.All i can find are reports that Trump is considering firing Mueller because of his close ties to Comey and his hiring of Clinton supporters.Why Mueller would hire Democrats alone is beyond me,stupid move.

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