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Trump and Comey


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Hehe,well hell we can draw imaginary castles in the sky all day long but that won't get us any closer to what is ACTUALLY going on.If the investigation has indeed been dropped i'm sure more interesting information will follow.Don't you?


What is actual in this world isn't confined to limitations of ones ideology, Ideology and arrogance is what brought us President Trump in the first place. Underestimating him by overestimating ourselves is a trap each of us set for ourselves. Who we find within that trap, once it is sprung is not by his hand, but ours. He is where he is because of that trap.


Hehehe...Yeah,i haven't found anything factual yet either. :tongue:


You can dismiss all that I have said all the way up till reality smacks you right in the face. Reality is that President Trump has beaten conventional wisdom into the ground and those who depend on it have followed suit. He continues to do so, today and wither it is conceivable to you or not, I expect he will do so in the future. I don't support Trump, but I do give him his due for where he has taken himself in a relatively short period of time. I don't think this probe will go anywhere, because it hasn't already and it's been going on for almost a year. I would think they would have something, by now.

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Nothing makes you look better than making the last guy look bad...... Of course, that assumes a SUCCESSFUL effort, which, so far, I don't think he has done a real bang-up job. :smile:

Not with me, at least, i respect Obama and have absolutely no respect for pumpkinhead.

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You can dismiss all that I have said all the way up till reality smacks you right in the face. Reality is that President Trump has beaten conventional wisdom into the ground and those who depend on it have followed suit. He continues to do so, today and wither it is conceivable to you or not, I expect he will do so in the future. I don't support Trump, but I do give him his due for where he has taken himself in a relatively short period of time. I don't think this probe will go anywhere, because it hasn't already and it's been going on for almost a year. I would think they would have something, by now.


It was 58 degrees here today and sunny,it was f*#@ing wonderful this morning when i took my walk.I love cool weather and early morning walks,fresh air, birds singing,traffic at a minimum,the sounds of my own footsteps on the gravelly walkway,the contemplation of my shadow proof of my existence,squirrels and rabbits anticipating my approach keeping a safe distance as i enter and leave their perception,it's like achieving nirvana.


So yeah,you're right, i am reality challenged and you shouldn't waste your time on me.;)

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gandalftw takes a walk where he lives, where they can't afford concrete sidewalks. And he doesn't know he can't write the F word @nywhere on this webside U C because Robin Scott, (alias the Dark0ne) is King here and doesn't allow it in a sentence here without it getting bleeped.

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Lowling networks criticize every move the man makes and some he dose not. Its really distasteful. The irrational hatred based on motivated self interest has reached the point, that its sickening.


Overall I support what trump stands for more than even really the man himself. I am not alone, it was decided if he ran again right now he would be elected again.


Its hard for people to get, but most of us even younger people, are not the type of guys and gals, to really care about this new age pc stuff, sure it was comical at first, and sadly ironic, good for a laugh, to see ''supossedly grown men and women carry on so...but then people went overboard and it started to effect other not so inclined, trump is sort of one of societies responses to this.


I would never have watched a single anime, read a single book, or watched a single film based on this idiocy.


Idiocy which people have a right to believe, but not shove down the rest of the worlds throats.


If it applied to one, one could not even send there children to a university anymore without this brainwashing. Its not free thinking, its indoctrination, believe it or else, pure and simple. They have become what they accuse others.


I would rather elect, and trust, the insane barbarian from heavy metal film than these people. At least he was honest straightforward, and was what he was, even if he was insane. We have seen what these crazy babies, do when they don't get there way, lie, slander and riot in the streets, damage property like common thugs...oh, in the name of enlightenment.


I don't agree with everything trump says or dose, but overall, this insane and disturbing but very vocal. cult of pc has gone on long enough.


One cant even watch most movies now, or even youtube reviews...we cant even enjoy the damn late show anymore. Its just non stop anti trump propaganda, with nothing else, no more good nature d lampoons or the like.


Its like they are libertarian dictators trying to seize control of every institution of modern life and chock individualism and freedom into submission, just to feel good about there own chosen pleasures. Its enough to make even a devil weep.


Many in real society are very feed up, even angry. The media bs with the exception of fox news is vicious, slandering and untruthful, actually just making stuff up now.


Fox is bias to be sure, but more fair than they, and not that low. Not actually trashy and dishonorable, Besides to every fundamental instinct in my soul, more than half of what they say rings true. There bias is just a minor counterbalance to the other networks, all propaganda all the time, hateful misleading nonsense, When you tell a libertarian something they don't want to hear in a very real way...they stick there hands in there ears, like but...but... lalala, like a idiot child...then if that's so I cant...nanana...uh Racist! thats right um your a bigot, so your argument is invalid.


Its also not about the right thing with them in another way its just about being right, but even that's not enough among-st there own, they have to cut up rough, until they feel everyone else has acknowledged it...and anyone with opposing ideas is silenced under penalty of banishment, and ruin. Oh they hate plenty.


News for you, people are only equal under the law and that is how it should be...legally. Socially, a great thinker, artist, architect, a holy man, and so on...is worth 100,000 of these people in my view. Your life is what you make it, or can make it...to quote the great late and at least for me, lamented artist David Bowie, in the film, ''the labyrinth'': don't tell me the truth hurts little girl...it hurts like hell. People can admire for instance even envy a great poet, but not every can be one or is in tilted to critical acclaim. I know, I know but...I want.


For these celebrities to say anything different is the definition of irony, the way they live there lives. Its like the men who propose freedom for the people but are really dictators, or historically among the non celebs who would become so, its like the revolutionaries butthurt they could not join the aristocracy, so instead of making something of themselves on there own hook, they whine, pull, then get together and destroy everything. They feel in titled, but have no understanding.


Besides, Trumps right, they are out to get him, for what they view as messing with there way of life, all the propaganda comes down to that, and being right...others feel just the same about them, but have enough commonsense to conduct themselves better. Not so much about being right, just about stopping an active annoyance, liker a buzzing fly or one of those crazy little dogs running around, biting at your heals while piddling on the carpet...yap,yap,yap. They don't really hate them, just want them to stfu, and get out of there face.

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Fox news suffers from all the same maladies as the rest of the mass media. They have their spin on things, and twist stories to meet their own agenda. I have not seen a single "news" agency that actually REPORTS, for over a decade.


I would put forward that there AREN'T any REAL journalists any more. Nor are there any real reporters anymore. Just fiction writers.

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