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Nexus Mods and GOG Giveaway


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Very nice.


I do not own any of these games and am too cheap to buy them on Steam even at reduced prices. After all, all I do is mod Fallout 4 instead of play it and that is probably what will happen to any of these games if I happen to win any of them :laugh:.


Regardless though, this is excellent and thanks to both GoG and NexusMods.

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In response to post #50625442. #50626367, #50627742 are all replies on the same post.

shadowslasher410 wrote: So what exactly do you mean by DRM free? Like being able to play New Vegas, etc. without Steam?
wazero wrote: yes.
KainThePheonix wrote: DRM Free is also something that keeps you from losing certain games after a selected number of installs, or running crappy programs in the background screwing up your gaming (the aforementioned Games for Windows Live comes to mind) with programs designed to be resource hogs. This is a big deal indeed!

That's right, you don't need Steam to play and also there's no other form of DRM. GOG does have a client for managing the games you get from them that's similar to Steam (called GOG Galaxy) but it is a purely optional client. You can download, install, and play their games without running the any other software. You can also install your games from GOG on multiple computers and play them on those computers without any kind of software getting in the way.
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In response to post #50616362. #50621352, #50626542, #50626722 are all replies on the same post.

kameyojodido wrote: It would be awesome if they add those games to GOG Connect :D

kudos for Nexus and GOG mods :wink:
FreedomFighter4 wrote: I'm really hoping for this too...it's sad to me DRM free versions of this took this long to come out but i'm happy they finally did. Just not gonna repay a third time for them when I own them on Xbox 360 and PC.

At least the giveaway is another opportunity. =)
masterwolf33 wrote: They are on GOG Connect. That's how I downloaded and launched them on my system.

ETA - My bad I read gog connect as gog galaxy. My mistake.
fireth wrote: They are not on Connect. Don't spread false information :|

I know, I really hope so too. If any Steam games should be added to GOG Connect it should be these games, because you know that all Elder Scrolls and Fallout fans that mod are gonna own all of these games on Steam already. Edited by HypnotizedMind
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Awesome! I have been wanting to play oblivion and fallout 3 on PC, just picked up Fallout NV and Morrowind! had to get those 2 before anything else ( already own skyrim, but not SE or DragonBorn, lol I know , I'm lame)


Thanks for this amazing opportunity, i truly appreciate it


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