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Nexus Mods and GOG Giveaway


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In response to post #50823937. #50833707 is also a reply to the same post.

Henamor wrote: My name is on the list of winners but have not seen an email. Is there a way I can be sure it was my entry that won?
lued123 wrote: Did you check your spam folder? They did just send 60 of these. Your email service might've started filtering them.

Yes I've check it several times to be sure.
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In response to post #50834597.

SquarePickle wrote: im new to modding and sorry for asking but im having major issues. i have to ask do you have to buy the game on steam before you can mod. i own it on xbox one

First of all, which game? I assume you mean Fallout 4 or Skyrim SE, but you haven't specified and this news post shows up on all the Nexus pages. Second, you don't have to own the game on Steam in order to download mods, but you do in order to make them.
If you just want to download from other authors (which is what most people do), there should be a mods option on the main menu, which will take you to the absolutely awful in-game modding UI. Make sure your game is up-to-date, or Bethesda might not have activated the option yet.
Edit: Also, this isn't really the place to ask for tech support. I'd suggest looking for a "contact us" or "customer support" link on bethesda.net. Edited by lued123
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I bought Samurai showdown 5, thanks for the info I'm a member.

They use PAYPAL too.

Edited by Gethesmain
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In response to post #50696922. #50714102, #50716337, #50718342 are all replies on the same post.

blove wrote:

Love GOG. Good support. Galaxy is getting better. Did not like what they did to GalCiv2, though.

Arthmoor wrote: Haven't played GalCiv2 in ages, what did "they" do to it?
blove wrote: The ultimate edition from GOG comes with a community update with fixes and "fixes". There is a mod that will revert most of the "fixes", though. I just prefer my games not to be pre-modded.
lued123 wrote: Huh. A patch mod that makes controversial changes. Where have I heard of that before?

Common problem with the Fallout community patches :P
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In response to post #50816822. #50821132 is also a reply to the same post.

Shezrie wrote:

*Squeeee* I won Fallout 3!!! :dance:


I no longer have it and have wanted it again for years now, so it made my week to see that I won it!


Thanks so much Nexus and GOG!!! :wub:

axonis wrote: Congratulations! It's a great game and I hope you enjoy it!

You are more than welcome! Enjoy!
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In response to post #50696922. #50714102, #50716337, #50718342, #50883182 are all replies on the same post.

blove wrote:

Love GOG. Good support. Galaxy is getting better. Did not like what they did to GalCiv2, though.

Arthmoor wrote: Haven't played GalCiv2 in ages, what did "they" do to it?
blove wrote: The ultimate edition from GOG comes with a community update with fixes and "fixes". There is a mod that will revert most of the "fixes", though. I just prefer my games not to be pre-modded.
lued123 wrote: Huh. A patch mod that makes controversial changes. Where have I heard of that before?
Arthmoor wrote: Common problem with the Fallout community patches :P

Same thing happened with Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, but It's very rare for GOG to apply any mods, to the base game.

Thing is, those game won't run very well, if at all without a community patch, and as GOG guarantees to get it running, in these exceptionally bad releases (Of otherwise good games), they apply the most popular patch, that makes mostly bug fixes only.

I don't know Civ 2, but for Bloodlines, they apply the latest
Unofficial Patch - Basic by Wesp5

There's a Plus version with more controversial changes as well, and a competing patch.
This gives non modders a working base gane as close to vanilla as possibke.

Modders. like blove, that want the broken base game, to mod themselves, are given the means to reverse these changes, but then GOG is released from their guarantee too provide a working game.

Regardless of your preference for the base game, at least GOG get it working on modern hardware, unlike Steam who just sell the games broken.

It was Steam's broken KOTOR games, on my new PC in 2013, that led me to discover GOG in the first place.
I get every GOG release of a game I own on Steam, as soon as it releases on GOG, and take great pleasure in removing another Store Client Depenancy from my Steam account.

DRM free with Offline installers, I detest store cliients (including Galaxy), but only GOG let me ignore their client.

All in all GOG's ofline installer releases are the best base games to mod from, and if they add a bugfixing mod, I don't want, I can easily revert to the broken vanilla game, what's not to like.
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In response to post #50692672. #50694632, #50713727, #50777167, #50779492, #50809022 are all replies on the same post.

Pagafyr wrote:

No hard copy?


Download speeds in the Unlimited ISP packages only give us 10 GB for our high speed downloads. After I used the 10 GB I had another download that was 21.91 GB. I started it after the first 10 GB was used and the download took 97 hours, that's 4 1/2 days to download.


Seeings as how all the previous versions of FALLOUT Games were PC games, with no link to anyone else's computer, not even in a LAN set up to play against each other in teams on local computers, and did not require any online account.


I would not mind having the complete Fallout series without the link to an outside server like STEAM.


Since there is NO HARD COPY, NO THANKS!

Arthmoor wrote: Make your own hard copy. Download once. Burn to Blu-Ray. Done. Use those installers the next time you want to play, and they'll work even if GoG vanished from the planet.
bigdeano89 wrote: You are complaining about something purely based on your own experience. In the UK most broadband is truly unlimited so we have no usage caps. It's also rather fast. Digital is the way of the future, your internet just hasn't caught up yet.
xXBalthorXx wrote: I'm surprised that there are still countries with limits on their broadbands. I live in a shitty european country with a shitty internet connection, but I have no limit whatsoever. In any case, if you want hard copies your best bet are retail stores or sites like Amazon. GOG and Steam, like most modern on-line retailers, only offer digital downloads of games.
Arthmoor wrote: Ironically it's because the internet infrastructure in "shitty" EU countries is actually much newer than ours so it's likely all been built with high speed in mind from the start. Ours wasn't. 130 years ago when they strung cheap copper wire up everywhere for terrible voice quality phone calls, nobody even knew what a computer was :P

So we still have plenty of pockets where the infrastructure is 50+ years old and simply can't handle the speeds modern internet use requires.
Pagafyr wrote: Because of a very wise old professor I know I removed the content of this post to save some electricity.

Yup, and it's not just the EU... I live in one of those "pockets" in Canada, and it really sucks. Old copper phone lines that can't handle DSL, so over-the-air internet off of cell towers is the only option and bandwidth is horribly expensive... $10/GB. So a big 20GB game like Dragon Age Origins that can be purchased on GOG for pittance will cost $200 to download. Don't want to play it quite THAT badly, so it'll sit in my library until I can download it from somewhere else. :)

GOG is great in this sort of situation though, as you can download a game once, put it safely away on DVD, and then never have to download it ever again. As far as I'm aware, it's the only digital marketplace that's even remotely friendly to people like us. :)
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