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Sick And Tired Of People Making i.e dungeon and spell mods require Dragon born or other Dlc


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Hello Skyrim Nexus Community, I do not know if I am the only one who feels this way but why cant all mods be required to make a vanilla version for those who don't have the dlc(s). A spring overhaul mod

I was looking forward to using wouldn't work after I ran loot... all three dlc(s) were required it revealed, so i had to disable it and another ten mods in my load oder at least have had to been disabled because

of missing dlc such as the enhanced lights and fx mod by anamorfus.



And Regardless of the fact that "dlc patches" have been made, its ridiculous that model and texture mods especially have dlc requirements.


Cough... Anamorfus

Edited by jack101075
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I'm not sure of your point here. However, since the DLC is fairly cheap as is the (almost six year old) game in general now (including the legendary which has all the DLC included) it is only natural that many mods require them. You have options including learning to create mods yourself or make a polite request in the mod request forum for a certain type mod that does not require more than the base game.


If you have legit questions or concerns then spell them out. Don't post a spam hello. If you want just to say hi to the Nexus then there is a place for that also.

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I understand that this can be frustrating, but a lot of mods require the DLCs because the DLCs offer resources, bug fixes, and CK assets that are not present in vanilla Skyrim. Most modders are also creating mods largely for their own playthroughs and aren't particularly catering to anyone. They are doing it for fun in their free time. Demanding that they do something to cater to a very small portion of the community is unreasonable and off putting. If you are refusing to download the DLCs because you have an objection to some aspect of them then that's a choice you are making. Nearly everyone has all three DLCs at this point and it saves us a lot of time to just work as if everyone has them. I personally try not to include them if I don't need to, but I also don't really avoid them if there's any small aspect I think will improve the mod.


From a management perspective, you really shouldn't demand that volunteers do anything unless it's essential. That's how you lose productivity and interest. You should be grateful for what they do accomplish. Calling out a particular mod creator for not catering to you is also something you should avoid. It doesn't make others think highly of your personality and is unlikely to help you case.

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elfx ain't a model and texture mod, but those actually wouldn't have dlc requirements. game should run fine no matter what odd assets you throw in with the files. if you wanted to use it badly enough, though, you could go through the plugins and remove the dlc records. i'd even tell you how.

Edited by ymf331
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