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Just bought PC Oblivion


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Well, I installed it to a clean copy, unclicked that TES* option.. It installed with no error messages. Game crashes to desktop. Ran the uninstall included with the patch, and Oblivion loaded right up.


What's next? Should I try unchecking each part of the patch one by one and see if that remedies it?

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Alright well. I went through the whole list and unchecked each one, then ran Oblivion, then uninstalled. Each time I uninstalled, Oblivion would run, but everytime I ran the patch it would crash before loading the Bethesda screen.


I unchecked them all one at a time so I could isolate it and no luck. It's either a combination of those things it wants to install, or it's the core mod patch itself conflicting with my setup. I don't know what it could be.


I know when I first tried to install the game I had problems with my dual monitor setup and had to set the display for one desktop or the other or it wouldn't work. I don't know if that's at all related to anything in the mod patch, whether it touches on the graphics card or not, but I don't really have any ideas.


I would like to patch it and fix these issues if you guys can come up with some other ideas.

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If it was my machine and I found myself where you are now I'd go right back to basics. Uninstall the game and clean up all traces that it was ever on the machine (Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure is a good resource for that). Then install only those things that came from official Bethesda sources (game + official patches + DLCs ... no multi-monitor stuff, no game pad stuff, no unofficial anything). Then I'd confirm that the vanilla game runs stable without any issues. If I found any issues I'd address them before proceeding one step further. Then I would add OBSE (because down the road I'd need it) and either OBMM or NMM (though I've never even laid eyes on NMM it's bound to have continuing support and development, something that OBMM lacks). When that is confirmed working as it should (hard to do with no mods installed, but at least when I'd installed and the game still runs) I'd get the UOP and UOMP installed and no problems (if I chose to run the UOP and UOMP that is). Then I'd look at my multi-monitor and game pad stuff.


Even without the UOP and UOMP the game is playable. Ya there's some things that could be better with quests, but if you don't mind doing a bit of research on the UESP Wiki first you can avoid all the vanilla quest breaking pitfalls without the UOP or UOMP. It all comes down to what kind of game experience you expect vs what kind of game experience your current setup can deliver.

Edited by Striker879
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If it was my machine and I found myself where you are now I'd go right back to basics. Uninstall the game and clean up all traces that it was ever on the machine (Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure is a good resource for that). Then install only those things that came from official Bethesda sources (game + official patches + DLCs ... no multi-monitor stuff, no game pad stuff, no unofficial anything). Then I'd confirm that the vanilla game runs stable without any issues. If I found any issues I'd address them before proceeding one step further. Then I would add OBSE (because down the road I'd need it) and either OBMM or NMM (though I've never even laid eyes on NMM it's bound to have continuing support and development, something that OBMM lacks). When that is confirmed working as it should (hard to do with no mods installed, but at least when I'd installed and the game still runs) I'd get the UOP and UOMP installed and no problems (if I chose to run the UOP and UOMP that is). Then I'd look at my multi-monitor and game pad stuff.


Even without the UOP and UOMP the game is playable. Ya there's some things that could be better with quests, but if you don't mind doing a bit of research on the UESP Wiki first you can avoid all the vanilla quest breaking pitfalls without the UOP or UOMP. It all comes down to what kind of game experience you expect vs what kind of game experience your current setup can deliver.


Yeah, if it came down to it, I'll play without the UOMP before I unplug my second monitor. I'm actually probably gonna go over to the mod forum and see if there are any character creation mods before I start a character.

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Here's links to the various resources I use for character planning the old fashioned (i.e. dinosaur) way:


Oblivion Character Creation

Oblivion Character Planner

Oblivion CC


I'm sorry. That stuff will be helpful since I still don't fully understand how Oblivion's leveling system works, but it wasn't what I meant.


I'm looking for some graphical enhancements for character creation to upgrade the appearance of my player. It would be nice to get some skyrim level of detail on my character and NPC's if that's at all possible. IMHO, most of the character's I've seen from Oblivion look like Shrek. Unfortunately either I'm doing something wrong or the search tool on Nexusmods isn't great. I saw some hair mods, but not much else. Some character models that give your female players double e boobs. Not my thing. Am I to understand that if the character model changes it effects the way armor fits? I mean I guess that makes sense. I see a lot of armors listed that are for "BBB", which I assume is the giant boob mod.

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I see a lot of armors listed that are for "BBB", which I assume is the giant boob mod.


BBB is 'Better Bouncing Boobs'. It can be large, or normal-sized(or small, but it can be hard to see the effect) breasts, depending on what body type is based on. It requires special skeleton and animations to work, else you may see 'boobs to infinity'.

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In addition to what LFact has outlined, something you need to be aware of is the body you have when unclothed is not necessarily what you'll see when wearing clothing or armor. In the game the piece of clothing/armor 'becomes' the body part it covers. As an example, if you had a female character with B-cup breasts when unclothed and then put an H-cup shirt on her she'll have H-cup while clothed. A related thing is the different type of bodies that are available. Some are compatible with one another as far as textures are concerned and some aren't (example, if you had a Roberts female body and then used HGEC clothing you'll get weird texture anomolies). Learn to read the mod descriptions and eventually it will start to make sense.


Then you'll decide you want a better looking face and open up a whole new world of hurt on your poor head (I still tell myself the vanilla faces look fine to me ... I've read through enough 'face tales of woe' to know I don't really need to go there).

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In addition to what LFact has outlined, something you need to be aware of is the body you have when unclothed is not necessarily what you'll see when wearing clothing or armor. In the game the piece of clothing/armor 'becomes' the body part it covers. As an example, if you had a female character with B-cup breasts when unclothed and then put an H-cup shirt on her she'll have H-cup while clothed. A related thing is the different type of bodies that are available. Some are compatible with one another as far as textures are concerned and some aren't (example, if you had a Roberts female body and then used HGEC clothing you'll get weird texture anomolies). Learn to read the mod descriptions and eventually it will start to make sense.


Then you'll decide you want a better looking face and open up a whole new world of hurt on your poor head (I still tell myself the vanilla faces look fine to me ... I've read through enough 'face tales of woe' to know I don't really need to go there).


:( I'm mostly worried about the face. I figure the rest of me will be covered by armor. Plus the NPC's look awful.

Edited by Stemin
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Ahh ... you're wanting to cut your teeth on the hard stuff. Read carefully and don't get discouraged. On a side note, you've put in a full day on this ... trying to pull more hours on here than me??
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