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Just bought PC Oblivion


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I played again last night, went into the Oblivion gate at Cheydinhal and the HDR was really annoying. I had Vilja carrying a torch, and that small torch made her face and the armor on Farwil and partner completely wash out into bright yellow-white light. I couldn't make out any details on her face or their armor whatsoever. Even Farwil's face was glowing, and he's dark-skinned! It doesn't make sense to me why a small torch can make peoples' faces and armor illuminate like the sun. I decided I can't live with that, so I shut off HDR and all was well. Landscapes don't look as vibrant, but I think everything looks more realistic without HDR in general. I tried tweaking the Oblivion.ini to turn off blur, reduce brightness, etc. but none of it seemed to have any effect. I'll see if I can find that post with the ini settings.


Speaking of Farwil, even with Vilja's help, we couldn't keep that idiot alive so I reverted back to a previous save before entering the gate. I guess I will need to work my Restoration up to 25 before I can use Convalescence on him (gonna be awhile, it's only currently at 11). Any thoughts on the fastest way to get Restoration up?


Yeah, I had lost Vilja once, when in an Oblivion gate (Skingrad one I think), I decided while she had the enemies distracted, it was a good opportunity for me to sneak up to the ramp and grab the stone. When the gate closed, I was alone. I had to summon for Vilja several times before she showed up. All I had given her was a custom armor, she was still wearing it when she returned so I guess she won't lose what she has equipped. Next time, I'll be sure she's right beside me before activating the stone.

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The trick to keeping Farwil alive is don't let him talk to you until you've killed all the enemies in that plane of Oblivion. You need to do a bit of lava jumping to get around the gate so that you can get to the the Chaos Stronghold tower. After you've killed anyone that could scratch Farwil (or who he could follow into the lava ... he is after all determined to kill them no matter the cost) you go back, get across the lava again, talk to him and enjoy a pleasant stroll to the Sigil Sanguis of the Chaos Stronghold. You could leave an enemy or two alive there if you want to give something for Farwil to boast about, but it's not required. He'll act like he saved the world no matter if he sees a single Daedra or not.
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HA! That never occurred to me, but sounds like a really clever way to go about it, and much faster than working up my Restoration to 25. The wiki I read about it didn't even mention doing it that way. Awesome, thanks! I'll be sure to try that tonight.
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No original thought on my part (from the Notes section of the UESP Wiki The Wayward Knight):

It is possible to complete the quest without ever speaking to Farwil. You need to sneak around them, jump or quickly cross the lava flows, then make your way to the door. The gates will remain locked. Once the gate closes, Farwil and his armored friend will be waiting for you outside and the quest will update.


My contribution is to go back and talk to Farwil rather than just closing the gate without talking to them ... less likely to screw up the quest stages in my opinion.

Edited by Striker879
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