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Creation Club Summer 2017


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  On 6/18/2017 at 7:29 PM, bluesunmerc said:


  On 6/18/2017 at 7:15 PM, HeyYou said:

Lots of misinformation in here.....


This isn't 'paid mods 2.0', this is additional DLC, created by folks you are familiar with. It is OFFICIAL content, therefore, PS/4 won't get the short end of the stick on this one. It will be content ranging from retextures, to full-blown DLC on the scale of Far harbor/Dragonborn. Mod authors have the opportunity to be "Idea men" (and women" and work with Beth devs, creating the content. Yes, you will have to buy it, just like any other official DLC. No, it isn't going to spell the end of free mods, as the number of Mod Authors (MA's) working at any given time is going to be quite limited. (single digit numbers is my guess.) Beth has no interest in killing off free mods, as THAT is where they expect to get their "3rd party devs" from. Kill off free mods, and their pool of potential MA's dries right up. That would be flat out stupid.


This isn't going to have much, if any, effect on most folks at all. Free mods will still be free, and subject to the restrictions they currently operate under. These will be OFFICIAL content, thus, bypassing the restrictions on the consoles. (aside from number of mods usable, I would suspect.)


It's additional DLC's, that's it.

I agree with you. I'm more worried about the long term effect, what quality these mods will be (Bethesda isn't known for its finely polished products), and the quality of mods left on the nexus. Obviously for the most part it wont change on the nexus we may loose a few good mod authors but it will for the most part stay the same.


  On 6/18/2017 at 7:22 PM, MrJoseCuervo said:


  On 6/18/2017 at 7:15 PM, HeyYou said:

Lots of misinformation in here.....


This isn't 'paid mods 2.0', this is additional DLC, created by folks you are familiar with. It is OFFICIAL content, therefore, PS/4 won't get the short end of the stick on this one. It will be content ranging from retextures, to full-blown DLC on the scale of Far harbor/Dragonborn. Mod authors have the opportunity to be "Idea men" (and women" and work with Beth devs, creating the content. Yes, you will have to buy it, just like any other official DLC. No, it isn't going to spell the end of free mods, as the number of Mod Authors (MA's) working at any given time is going to be quite limited. (single digit numbers is my guess.) Beth has no interest in killing off free mods, as THAT is where they expect to get their "3rd party devs" from. Kill off free mods, and their pool of potential MA's dries right up. That would be flat out stupid.


This isn't going to have much, if any, effect on most folks at all. Free mods will still be free, and subject to the restrictions they currently operate under. These will be OFFICIAL content, thus, bypassing the restrictions on the consoles. (aside from number of mods usable, I would suspect.)


It's additional DLC's, that's it.



That would be nice. But during the E3 presentation I saw a sword for 150 credits, Mudcrab Armor for 500 Credits etc etc... Even the CC web page has these items. I see no indication of DLC's I think you are the one who is misinformed.


Thats all fine and well but we have no idea yet of how much a credit is worth in real world value.



Have you seen content in other games sell for less than $1? Seeing as everything they showed was at least 100 Bethesda Bucks I think its safe to assume 100 = 1 dollar.

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I'm thinking (hoping I guess) that the credits will be 1000 for a dollar. Looking at the amount of credits the example items cost that's what I'd be comfortable spending on them. If it does turn out to be $1 for 100 with similar content and credit cost to the examples I won't buy anything from CC. There's no way I'm paying $1.50 for crab armor.

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  On 6/18/2017 at 7:31 PM, MrJoseCuervo said:

You act like the FAQ is a legally binding document. They are saying one thing and showing something else. Clearly covering their bases. The lack of information is also not a good sign. Their complete lie that these aren't paid mods also does not bode well.


I suggest you prepare for the worst, unless you fully support destroying the modding community in which case I have 3 other words for you.

The demo is exactly that. A demo. Do you seriously think they are going to try and sell folks a Dwemer Mudcrab? (although, scarily enough, I just know there are folks out there in the world that would buy it.......) I don't expect even "large" content for the demo, after all, it doesn't release until later this summer.


I am real curious how you think this is going to "destroy" the modding community. Nothing is really changing here. Beth is simply offering more Official DLC for already existing games. They are only going to be able to deal with a few projects at a time, it's not like they are going to have 500 projects going, so none of those authors will be working on "free" stuff. All the gloom and doom is a waste of your time, and emotional energy. You are buying trouble you don't have. Why do folks do that?

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  On 6/18/2017 at 8:24 PM, Kalell said:

I'm thinking (hoping I guess) that the credits will be 1000 for a dollar. Looking at the amount of credits the example items cost that's what I'd be comfortable spending on them. If it does turn out to be $1 for 100 with similar content and credit cost to the examples I won't buy anything from CC. There's no way I'm paying $1.50 for crab armor.

They charged $6 for Horse armor and called it a DLC... And I hope you wouldn't spend a dime on Crab Armor...

Edited by MrJoseCuervo
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Over ten years ago... Yea I get people are still upset about that for some reason, but that was many years ago and dlc was still a fairly new concept not saying its right or wrong but everyone including companies make mistakes. Also I doubt its going to destroy the community. Maybe cause a rift for some people who feel they should not have to pay for mods and mod authors who get into the program, but there are still many mod authors who believe mods should be free. Maybe in 20 or so years when they quit milking skyrim and release the next elder scrolls then maybe we will have nothing but paid mods. For the time being the community will stay the same some people will leave and then some will enter. Many thought Bethesda net would end mods and it didn't, sure some left because of the theft issues but good high quality mods are still being uploaded daily on the nexus and bethesda net.

Edited by bluesunmerc
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I think he answered that on the last page.


  On 6/18/2017 at 5:42 PM, MrJoseCuervo said:

Well in the end, Modders want what users have. Money. when people see their $80 Game jumping up to $200 just to use mods I think its safe to say it will create enough ill will against greedy modders to pretty much kill off modding. Probably not completely but it will never be like it was, and I fully expect Bethesda to never release a creation kit to the public again.


From what I understand, he said that Creation Club will kill modding by turning public opinion against modding, as it will just be another form of microtransactions, making Fallout 4 (or 5) be a scam: Either you pay $60 for a gimped game, or you can pay hundreds of dollars to make it complete.

Thus, nobody will want to download mods, or get into the modding scene because public will see the modding community as just a group of rip-off artists. And then Bethesda stop supporting modding, as the community dries up.

I think that's what he said...

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  On 6/18/2017 at 8:55 PM, HeyYou said:


  On 6/18/2017 at 7:31 PM, MrJoseCuervo said:

You act like the FAQ is a legally binding document. They are saying one thing and showing something else. Clearly covering their bases. The lack of information is also not a good sign. Their complete lie that these aren't paid mods also does not bode well.


I suggest you prepare for the worst, unless you fully support destroying the modding community in which case I have 3 other words for you.

The demo is exactly that. A demo. Do you seriously think they are going to try and sell folks a Dwemer Mudcrab? (although, scarily enough, I just know there are folks out there in the world that would buy it.......) I don't expect even "large" content for the demo, after all, it doesn't release until later this summer.


I am real curious how you think this is going to "destroy" the modding community. Nothing is really changing here. Beth is simply offering more Official DLC for already existing games. They are only going to be able to deal with a few projects at a time, it's not like they are going to have 500 projects going, so none of those authors will be working on "free" stuff. All the gloom and doom is a waste of your time, and emotional energy. You are buying trouble you don't have. Why do folks do that?



Do you know how long it takes to develop Nuka-World scale content that are up to Bethesda Standards (Such as they are)? They are opening up the Creation Club store in a matter of weeks... You're getting Mud Crab Armor, bucko.

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  On 6/18/2017 at 9:04 PM, MrJoseCuervo said:


  On 6/18/2017 at 8:24 PM, Kalell said:

I'm thinking (hoping I guess) that the credits will be 1000 for a dollar. Looking at the amount of credits the example items cost that's what I'd be comfortable spending on them. If it does turn out to be $1 for 100 with similar content and credit cost to the examples I won't buy anything from CC. There's no way I'm paying $1.50 for crab armor.

They charged $6 for Horse armor and called it a DLC... And I hope you wouldn't spend a dime on Crab Armor...


20 cents is about what I'd spend on it if I could also have the crab as a pet, but that's just me.

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  On 6/18/2017 at 9:09 PM, DSPiron said:

I think he answered that on the last page.


  On 6/18/2017 at 5:42 PM, MrJoseCuervo said:

Well in the end, Modders want what users have. Money. when people see their $80 Game jumping up to $200 just to use mods I think its safe to say it will create enough ill will against greedy modders to pretty much kill off modding. Probably not completely but it will never be like it was, and I fully expect Bethesda to never release a creation kit to the public again.


From what I understand, he said that Creation Club will kill modding by turning public opinion against modding, as it will just be another form of microtransactions, making Fallout 4 (or 5) be a scam: Either you pay $60 for a gimped game, or you can pay hundreds of dollars to make it complete.

Thus, nobody will want to download mods, or get into the modding scene because public will see the modding community as just a group of rip-off artists. And then Bethesda stop supporting modding, as the community dries up.


I think that's what he said...


The only folks that are going to be 'put out', are the folks that are ALREADY up in arms about it. Beth is offering a new avenue for content for their games. They aren't hiring 500 mod authors on a permanent basis. It is likely to be less than 10 at a time, for a couple months, while they work their project, then they are done, and beth moves on to another author, and another project. No single mod author is going to be able to make a career out of this. (unless beth actually HIRES them......) These are temp positions, with a LOT of folks trying to get one, and very few that actually will. You are tilting at windmills.


  On 6/18/2017 at 9:10 PM, MrJoseCuervo said:


  On 6/18/2017 at 8:55 PM, HeyYou said:


  On 6/18/2017 at 7:31 PM, MrJoseCuervo said:

You act like the FAQ is a legally binding document. They are saying one thing and showing something else. Clearly covering their bases. The lack of information is also not a good sign. Their complete lie that these aren't paid mods also does not bode well.


I suggest you prepare for the worst, unless you fully support destroying the modding community in which case I have 3 other words for you.

The demo is exactly that. A demo. Do you seriously think they are going to try and sell folks a Dwemer Mudcrab? (although, scarily enough, I just know there are folks out there in the world that would buy it.......) I don't expect even "large" content for the demo, after all, it doesn't release until later this summer.


I am real curious how you think this is going to "destroy" the modding community. Nothing is really changing here. Beth is simply offering more Official DLC for already existing games. They are only going to be able to deal with a few projects at a time, it's not like they are going to have 500 projects going, so none of those authors will be working on "free" stuff. All the gloom and doom is a waste of your time, and emotional energy. You are buying trouble you don't have. Why do folks do that?



Do you know how long it takes to develop Nuka-World scale content that are up to Bethesda Standards (Such as they are)? They are opening up the Creation Club store in a matter of weeks... You're getting Mud Crab Armor, bucko.


Maybe you aren't aware, but, they approached a few authors even before E3, to get things rolling for REAL content when CC actually releases. We already know of six authors that are working with them, and we don't know if there are any more or not.


Yes, I have a very good idea how long it takes to turn out content. I have released a few mods myself. I know how much effort goes into the truly good quest mods. But, this ISN'T a single person working on it all by their lonesome. They are part of a dev TEAM. How much of one? That, I don't know.


At least wait until it comes out to condemn it. At this point, we know very little about it, and everyone is panicking. It just stupid. If it bombs when it comes out, fine. Beth will drop it like a hot potato, end of problem. If it works out, well, that's more potential OFFICIAL content for our games. No one is forcing you to buy it. If you don't like it, don't use it. It really is that easy.

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