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Creation Club Summer 2017


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  On 6/12/2017 at 10:33 AM, SMB92 said:

A lot of that is good, but I'm not so sure about the part where modders only get a contract payment while Beth reaps the rewards. Especially on custom content, this should be licensed.


I am very fearful of the division that this could cause. To me this is a worse stance than EA/Ubi with the Micro dlc, instead they dont even have to lift a finger to make the content.

Agree since they will probably pay modders at the lowest rate entry point meaning thousands of hours work for peanuts and the modder will not be allowed to sale his custom models elsewhere. Sound like a pretty bad deal for the modders and a golden goose for Bethesda.


They should get a % on the popularity of their mods at least!

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  On 6/12/2017 at 12:04 PM, SMB92 said:

At the end of the day if you create something that can make money, you leave no stone unturned to maximise your return. But where does the moral line get drawn these days. This here is Capitalism 101. Rich get richer while little man accepts crumbs for his hard yakka, which he must accept unless he too is loaded.


I think there should be better laws for content creators, anyone involved in the creation of something should be awarded a fair share of the pie. This world is so f'ed in that regard and its because of capitalism. Climb the ladder to success, a ladder made of people you have to step on.


Anyway getting a bit deep there, I guess we all have to accept the good old days are gone now and its every man for himself, smash and grab style.

Agree with you a 100% and also how are they going to deal with the unfair modders using pirated software or student license to make paid work? Country like India and China and many others have legions of people using pirated software to sale mods and models on 3d model website.

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  On 6/12/2017 at 4:17 AM, N7R said:

Been watching the Bethesda E3 showcase and they just had a section talking about creation club for games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls. They mentioned you get mods through 'credits' (whatever that is) and the content is made by outside devs and regular players. Stuff such as weapons/armor etc were talked about in terms of what type of content it is.


Is this possibly the return of paid mods?




I won't name names, because we all know who the gougers were last time, and will probably be doing it again. We also know who are our forever Free people, and hopefully, they'll stick with us.


Seriously Bethesda, just sell TES and Fallout to Obsidian or CDProjecktRed before you destroy both franchises and yourselves in the process.


I know, it sounds like hyperbole. But EA destroyed Ultima and Ubisoft destroyed Might and Magic. I'm exaggerating out of worry. People can say "Oh they won't destroy their two biggest cash cows!" but how many times have we seen movie studios and other companies shoot themselves in the foot?


Sneaking paid mods around to the back door isn't going to fool anyone.

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Can Bethesda force mod makers like Unoctium to remove their mods that could compete with mods Bethesda is offering credits?

Can they dictate what we can and cannot create, like "If we are offering the chinese stealth suit, no one can create or offer a competing chinese stealth suit" type of scenario.

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  On 6/12/2017 at 6:08 PM, sinlessorrow said:

Can Bethesda force mod makers like Unoctium to remove their mods that could compete with mods Bethesda is offering credits?

Can they dictate what we can and cannot create, like "If we are offering the chinese stealth suit, no one can create or offer a competing chinese stealth suit" type of scenario.

Well, there can be other scenario, they will ban other mods and claim them as "asset flipping" mods from CC.

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Its a joke. I dont know what upsets me more the fact that they are trying to push paid mods on us once again. If they are trying to make free money off of the community. If in 40 minutes they showed only 2 new games and tried to brush this off and didn't answer any questions about it or try to explain it better. I know why they showed this in a video instead of having somebody talking on stage about it because they would have been booed off stage. When almost half of EAs conference is sports games and it is still better than your conference you know you have done something wrong.

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I just saw that chinese stealth suit after watching some vids again. When did they make it and the other stuff? Why hide it until now? Maybe that is stuff already done by "third parties" and waiting to be released when this new crap comes online? Who are those third parties that made those things anyway?

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A lot of assumptions being made here, so I'll add my own. This looks like in-house DLC that will come from on staff devs and independent contractors who come to them with a proposal. Bethesda buys the concept, pays them to create it, and they go on their merry way. No asset retention and no (or situational) commission. The independent developers have the power to turn down unreasonable offers or poor compensation and, for those looking, it's a great way to beef a resume with official content from a major game house.


Will it turn out like that? Who knows. But it may not be all doom and gloom.

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