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Creation Club Summer 2017


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So by this train of thought, A garage band that has been playing for years for friends, at their local block parties for fun and free, happens to get a gig at a club that offers them a cut of the door. Suddenly they have just sold out by getting paid!


If in the off chance there was a record producer in the audience that wanted to offer them a recording contract, the band would now be Stabbing it's Community in the back?


If you had watched that band play for all those years would you expect to not have to buy their records?

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I should have said "the minority that feels entitled to free mods"

the majority of gamers already have to pay for their extra content as until recently, that's all there was on consoles.


I am not saying they will serve C&Ds on F4Edit and F4SE and Nexus, et al, I am saying that with the industry going after free modding and even the use of console commands to cheat in games, once precedents are set other publishers will see how they can use them to their advantages.

Zenimax wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't look at what Take2 and Topware are doing and work out ways to increase their profits.

they could put a stop to free modding at there is nothing we can do to stop them.

we could boycott their games out of protest but seeing that PC makes up such a small percentage of the market and only a small percentage of PC users would actually go that far, it would make no difference to Zenimax.

if every PC user did boycott the next BGS title, the accounting boys will point out the cost of porting to the PC vs zero sales and recommend that they stop bothering with PC ports to save time and money which would be better spent on the console versions.


given that PS4 users are desperate for mods that add new quests and content, if Sony are happy with CC mini DLC packs then there is a market twice the size of the PC market that is desperate to pay for new content.


but you have to take into account that there is a mod limit which includes DLC as well as the 2GB limit on console mods, it won't take many free mods to stop people from being able to buy CC mini-DLCs.

CC cost Zenimax money so they will want a return on that.

Bethesda.net is a mess, costs them money and for no return.

if you were working for Zenimax, what would you do?

remember that Take2 have set a precedent that could be applied to F4SE and F4Edit and Topware have set a precedent to lock the developer tools and console commands so that they can sell cheat codes for god mode. and every free mod downloaded means a lost sale of a CC mod


How about the modders who "Feel entitled" to be paid?


Mods are free. They have been free for years. The truth is some modders are extremely butthurt that You-tubers are making a living talking about mods. You know why they make money? Because people find THEM entertaining, not the video of your mod. If anything you should be thankful they give you the exposure.


We've already proven that youtube videos do nothing for modders.


Why is it everyone EXCEPT the Mod Author can make money off their products? How is that even remotely fair?


It appears to me, that you are the one acting all entitled to the fruits of others labors.



So you are telling me if someone makes a video about their love of Pepsi they should pay Pepsi for talking about their product? Or lets make it closer to home, lets say they make a video about how great Banksy (the street artist) is. Should they pay up for discussing or critiquing the art work?


LOL that's not the way it works. Your childish jealously will destroy modding for ever.


Whaaa! It's not Fair! Well become a Youtuber that mods perhaps? Just stop whining like a little..


I would point out, that in each of your examples, the company/artist already sells their product. They don't give it away for free, so other folks can make money off of it. Should pepsi make their product, and then just give it away?


Maybe you should stop whining about folks actually wanting to get paid for their work. No one says that you have to buy it. No one is saying that free mods should be banned.


I know, why don't you go to GM, work at a job for several hours a day, for no pay. Then, everyone else can benefit from the fruits of your labor EXCEPT YOU. That is what you are expecting from mod authors.


Also, not all of them 'expect' to get paid. As a matter of fact, NONE of them EXPECT to get paid. A selection of them would LIKE to get paid, but, if they don't, that doesn't mean they are going to stop. And if they do get the opportunity to get paid, that doesn't mean they will stop making free mods either.



That's the thing. Its not work. You can go through this a thread and read it yourself. To Modders, Modding is their game. They want Players who play the game for entertainment to pay them for modding the game for entertainment. How does that make sense? As I have pointed out, I stepped into their world for a short time. Most modders are pretty cool, others are like Ethreon above who are so arrogant and selfish they have no problem betraying everything that made their hobby possible just because they have some sick elitist attitude.


And don't believe for a second that this Creation Cult of Modders is a done deal, we as consumers have the power to steer this ship away from the iceberg. Our buying power will ultimately decide. I suggest people un-endorse any mods by authors who support the Creation Cult and not spend a dime on Bethesda products until they cease and desist. We stopped it last time and we can this time despite the traitors in our midst.


Never made a mod, have you. (that's not a question.)


So, folks that like what they do shouldn't get paid for it? Is that really your position? You think everyone should hate their job, because that's the only thing that justifies getting paid for it? Wow. Never run for public office......



Not everything needs or should be for profit. Leave the community alone. Leave mods alone. There is no need for paid mods. Is there a shortage of mods? Not the last time I looked around.


More accurately if there was a shortage of mod authors but yeah im inclined to agree with this.


If beth released a new TES game tomorrow I doubt there would be a shortage of content released on the nexus in the following months.


If anything we see slower rates of "mod production" due to a number of factors (paid mod potential being likely one of them but also just the lack of creative freedom many authors seem to have with fallout 4 and skyrim being really old) but not really a shortage of authors. This really just isnt the environment to be trying to introduce this. At least thats what it seems like to me. Its not like you need to entice people to mod with payment since they seem to do it anyway and the consumer base by and large despises the idea of paid mods in the upper 90%.


Obviously beth wants to open a new source of revenue where there wasn't one before so they're willing to do whatever but if you are genuinely concerned for the "health" of the modding community from an economic perspective this would look like a really dumb idea.

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So by this train of thought, A garage band that has been playing for years for friends, at their local block parties for fun and free, happens to get a gig at a club that offers them a cut of the door. Suddenly they have just sold out by getting paid!


If in the off chance there was a record producer in the audience that wanted to offer them a recording contract, the band would now be Stabbing it's Community in the back?


If you had watched that band play for all those years would you expect to not have to buy their records?

I feel like that would be more like if a mod author got a job at a game developer. I wouldn't expect to not pay for the game that author helped produce.


The CC is more like if a certain community hosted a big garage band festival every month where bands played for the masses for free. Then the record studio bought all the garages and let bands charge money to hear them at each of their individual garages and took a cut.


Sure the bands could charge money but a ton of the target consumers would feel alienated and angry and likely wouldn't attend the festival anymore.

Edited by Alexotero1219
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Joined: 13 August 2012 Last active: 0:34, 20 Jun 2017

Posts: 114 Topics: 2 Files tagged: 0 File images: 0 File endorsements given: 31



And your EPIC contributions to the community!




Is this supposed to mean something?


I don't make mods and never said I did work eats up a lot of my time and its kind of an irregular schedule.


Are you implying that you have to make mods to be a part of the modding community?


The way I see it both authors and users are part of the same community. Im just giving my opinion from a consumers perspective.


You should try engaging with people and what they are saying instead of just going with a very poor ad hominem/attempt at shaming people.


Edit: on an unrelated note I feel like the endorsements are off somewhat? Just looking at fallout 4 on NMM alone I have like 40 files endorsed. Not even counting skyrim, SSE, newvegas and FO3.

Edited by Alexotero1219
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I don´t understand the whole thing.


"Paid" modding is old as the internet... Ok, maybe not that old, but... Did someone remember on Counter Strike, Day of Defeat? Those were free and then turn into paid mods. They have millions of player today and I tell you what... Besides this million player base, free mods have always still exist! Like Tour of Duty, Vampire Slayer, Zombie Master and so on.


But there are also other examples. Secound life, a old "3d chat world", modders had earn there good money, but free mods had also always exist there. The Sims also... A lot of free mods avaible for this games, but I know that at least since sims 3 there also a lot of paid sims mods out there. For months there was a guy in the news that make his living with a sims 4 mod.


I have no worries about the whole topic, because as you already see... it is nothing new for me and I have always see how this 2 parts exist peaceful side by side.

Edited by taryl80
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You should try loosing the entitlement! As many here will attest I engage with the community Help mod authors and mod users alike and NEVER demand, expect anything from anyone.

care to explain to me how im entitled?


Or is this somehow reversed and you're entitled to my money?


Ive simply said the CC is a bad idea and rubs many consumers the wrong way. I don't intend to pay for any mods and loads of other users don't intend to either.


And those users are entitled to not purchase mods from the CC whether you think so or not.


What demands or expectations have I ever laid out in this thread? I think you might have me confused with someone else.

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They you don't have to buy anything, No one does!


What give you or anyone else the right, to tell Me or anyone to not get the chance to profit off of our efforts?


This may be bad, It may be good! It won't be the end of free mods!


I haven't even chosen a side yet! I want to know the FACTS before I do!

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