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Skyrim announced again.


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Three e3s in a row I think its been 4 e3s total.


You can buy Skyrim or Skyrim Special Edition combined 8 different ways so far.


It was talked about or showed off 4 times this year (so far)

I mean I love skyrim as much as the next person but at this point who is going to play skyrim that hasnt already played it?

Its seems that Bethesda went from reusing the same engine and just slapping a new coat of paint on it, to reusing the same voice actors for multiple roles, to just porting and rereleasing the same game over and over again. Yes, special edition was a good upgrade for the 64bit engine and many on pc got it for free but at its core its still the same game that still has some of the issues it had at the end of patching in 2011,2012


As I'm sure many fans feel, Bethesda was a let down this year they are taking some community made content into a new direction that many are unhappy with, many are excited about, and many that are unsure, they only showed 3 new games in a 40 minute video that was prerecorded (4 if you count the Skyrim card game), and then tonight we saw at Sony conference another edition of skyrim, Skyrim Vr. How many times can they release this game? It was good even great in some standards but its not that great.


What are your thoughts? I am interested cause at this point I feel they are just beating a dead horse at this point

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They're milking it as much as they possibly can because it's their best (and most profitable) release within the last 10 years. Both FO 4 and ESO were stellar disappointments, and future Elderscrolls, and Fallout, installments seem to be in the distant future. Therefore, they're still clinging to Skyrim as their cash cow, for their continued relevancy, and for the sense of noteworthy achievement it provides; they don't really have anything else.

Edited by Sonja
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late in the 31st century, a tome was discovered, buried deep in the ruins an ancient civilization. upon deciphering of the primitive texts, a mysterious history was discovered... a people known as "nords", a holy war, and now-extinct creatures known as "dragons", which appeared to be reptilian.


futurebeth software is proud to announce its latest upcoming dreampodware experience, based upon these forgotten events...

Edited by ymf331
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late in the 31st century, a tome was discovered, buried deep in the ruins an ancient civilization. upon deciphering of the primitive texts, a mysterious history was discovered... a people known as "nords", a holy war, and now-extinct creatures known as "dragons", which appeared to be reptilian.


futurebeth software is proud to announce its latest upcoming dreampodware experience, based upon these forgotten events...

:D :D :D


That's just too good, Bravo!

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