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Skyrim Quit Game CTD question[Low Priority]


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After going over my Skyrim i had though i had it all stable. I had free'd up some VRAM usage a bit, RAM was in a good place. Had some papyrus tweakage so that my script's didnt bog me down and i was good to go and start a new play though. Get inside Dragonreach, save my game to go of and do some things around the house, save - menu quit game CTD with the usual log files.


I went onto Crash Fix forum and sorted out the SKSE .dmp file, uploaded it but the example given "ExceptionAddress: 00d573a8 (TESV+0x009573a" from the guide i don't have this, Instead i have something that to me seem's like it's a deeper issue.


If anyone has seen this before, or has suggestions as to why it's happening, if it's fixable etc that would be great.



SKSE .dmp



EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr 0xffffffffffffffff)
ExceptionAddress: 771473cb (kernel32!InterlockedDecrementStub+0x0000000b)
ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 2
Parameter[0]: 00000001
Parameter[1]: 4e60e044
Attempt to write to address 4e60e044



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First; load the game but do not load a save, then quit. If you have a CTD, Remove the mods or unload the most recent mods and try again.


Three really critical question people need to know so that you can get a good answer:

Does this happen every time you quit the game?

Does this happen only if you load a save and then quit after as normal, or does it happen even if you do not load the save and quit right away??

Does it crash with mods in your load order or does it crash with no mods active?



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Re-tracing step's and mod folder's as you suggested, and trying quitting from menu with out loading or making a new game that did not cause a CTD i went back and took a double take at the .dmp file and found the possible culprit for it. It was right down the bottom of the print out covered by a load of "stack text"?? the hdtPhysicsExtensions.dll.


Searched my MO/Mods directory removing all trace's and then re-downloading the V14.28 extension. With only a quick load in, walk around quit game it seem's to have solved the CTD on quit game.


Thanks for help



Add'd this in just in case it was need'd



STACK_COMMAND: ~0s; .ecxr ; kb
SYMBOL_NAME: hdtphysicsextensions+9c20
MODULE_NAME: hdtPhysicsExtensions
IMAGE_NAME: hdtPhysicsExtensions.dll
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: INVALID_POINTER_WRITE_SHUTDOWN_c0000005_hdtPhysicsExtensions.dll!Unknown



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running around skyrim doing a few things tracking it with the performance monitor, a few stutter's here and there but overall pretty smooth, with out any CTD's whilst playing or on game exit. And then a new issue comes about. Some NPC's, mainly female's when loading through door's will have a warp effect similar to the old star trek warp. Start's off at a huge distance transparent until everything catch's up.


I don't think I'm ruining out of vram.





As per SPM is telling me

Video Card: Nvidia GTX Titan Total Memory: 8,130MB

Total VRAM: 6,144MB


Current: Average Maximum

VRAM: 3,310mb 3,573mb 4,381mb

Memory: 764mb 850mb 1,045mb

CPU: 7% 14% 33%



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