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Can Paid and Free Mods Coexist?


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Paid and free mods can coexist in the right environment.


I created freeware mods & payware add ons for Microsoft Train Simulator.


Microsoft did not get involved. They knew the power of FREE.


The communities around both MS Train Simulator & MS Flight Sim are decades old & they are still going strong. If Microsoft was greedy they would not exist.


Bethesda needs to get their hands off of mods. It is always going to end badly.


What they should be doing is making deals with indie companies to make DLCs or hole new games based on their intellectual property. Modders will use their assets & we will be forced to buy them to use the mods. That is the number one reason I buy DLCs.


When I was in an indie/payware group I did not work for a paycheck but a percentage of the prophets. It was always worth it. So Bethesda don't need to put out any money. They only need to make deals.





I suspect that they are more profit-driven than that though...... and keeping ALL the profits, while paying the modder to work for them, probably looks MUCH better on the bottom line. For them.

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What they should be doing is making deals with indie companies to make DLCs or hole new games based on their intellectual property. Modders will use their assets & we will be forced to buy them to use the mods. That is the number one reason I buy DLCs.

Congratulations you just described the Creation Club.
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To answer the thread's initial question, I see coexistence to be a thing between Mods and Creation Club stuff, which I will NOT call 'Paid mods', but more like 'Outsourced DLC.'




I will name my next burger after you. Fantastic response : )

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It seems to me that the Creation Club is a way for Bethesda to work with some of the most talented modders in the community and pay them for that work. Provided, of course, that those modders are interested in opting in to the program.


There are many modders who mod for the love of the game or because they enjoy the process and the challenge. Many of them have full-time jobs. Anyone who signs up to the Creation Club is going to have to stick to a production schedule and be available for the testing and bug fixing stages. Not everyone is interested in working under those conditions. Not everyone wants a second job.


I don't see any reason why free mods and the Creation Club can not exist side by side. Free mods have worked for them over the course of five titles (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout 4). Why on earth would you shoot yourself in the foot by dismantling a system that's working?


Oh, and of course Bethesda wants to make money off the Creation Club's content. They're a business, not a charity.


Really, I think the whole "paid mods vs. free mods" is a tempest in a teacup. We're just going to have to see how it all plays out, but I'm cautiously hopeful.

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My question to those crusaders for the "forever free" campaign would be this; When Beth develops and releases a DLC (preferably a good one) for one of its games, no one is lining up outside their studio with pitchforks and axes calling for the heads of its creators. In fact most of the time official DLC is quite welcome and willingly paid for by the masses. So why would it be any different if more high quality DLC is developed by people from right here in the community under the CC?


I still say that if CC is successful and delivers some very good content, then other dev studios that previously took no notice of mods or the community might begin to actively support modding for their games as well !! Like I said, a paid something is better than where nothing existed before. To stimulate more active support from different dev studios is what I am hoping this will do. We might be on the cusp of a modding phenomenon that sees modding for games explode into every corner of the industry! Think about that for a moment. But they will only turn their collective attention when they see there is money to be made. Yes. It will mean sacrifice- specifically from your wallet. But it would be an insignificant price to pay to see potentially 1000's of mods for every single game out there. Think of it less as an end to free mods and more of an investment in the future of modding in general. :thumbsup:

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Quite honestly after I search more about this creation club thing I realized that it's basically DLC from bethesda made by talented modders. Is that really a bad thing? I mean we get official new content for the game along with the free mods.

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Quite honestly after I search more about this creation club thing I realized that it's basically DLC from bethesda made by talented modders. Is that really a bad thing? I mean we get official new content for the game along with the free mods.


The fear some people have is that with Creation Club consisting of talented modders, eventually after enough time has passed there won't be any good modders left in the community. They will all have gone over to Bethesda.

As with any major news though, people are freaking out over something they know nothing about and blowing things way out of proportion. The whole thing is exaggerated but the fear isn't completely unwarranted imo. It wouldn't be that great if all the actually good modders are on Creation Club and the free part of the community is stuck with anime girls and boob physics. Just one mans opinion.

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all iknow is this will kill console modding for majority will see it as paid mods do same story as steam again


It won't and it's not. You're making assumptions. Don't do that.

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