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Changing mods for personal use


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Hey there, everybody!

I just wanted to hear everybody's thoughts about this, since I'm unsure what to make of it (and if there's any rules for it)

Say a mod adds some specific changes that I really like (which conflicts with another mod) and I want to edit the mod to more adequately fit in to my personal playthrough.

What are the rules and moralistic views of "picking out" parts of a certain mod to use, while leaving the rest disabled/removed?


It goes without saying that the changes made won't be uploaded nor shared afterwards.

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The Nexus does not care what you do with your own game. You (as you said) can not share the 'changes" unless you have specific permission from the mod author. We also frown on asking someone else to do it for you (asking here on The Nexus), then share it with you (through The Nexus.) If you want to do it yourself for your own private enjoyment, go for it.


After all this is a way many learn to mod to begin. Good luck and have fun.~Lisnpuppy

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Modding other peoples mods is how I learned.

This. I've learned far more from reverse engineering others' mods than I have through tutorials. Besides learning, I also make personal changes to many mods I download because, the way I see it, the whole reason I'm installing the mod in the first place is so that I can tailor the game to the experience I want. I don't see my personal changes to a mod as any different from the mod's original changes to the game itself.

Edited by Tukster
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