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You know what i like?


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*I Like* how a lot of twits start sentences with an unneeded "So" or "Ok"

*I Like* Arafox having the title "Newbie" ....

*I Like* the oatmeal cookies I baked today

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Ok, so I like that Mr. Battlebunny handing down grammar info hidden in *I LIKE*


I like that I can tease Malachi.


I like that I have dogs to warn me about Battle Bunny attacks!


I like that in Japan no one seems to notice that Mario and Co. are at the stop light.

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You know what? I've given it deep thought, and I like the title of Newbie too. In fact, I may only ever post in the Lounge so that I can always be a Newbie. If by some horrible series of events I somehow end up with a title other than Newbie, I will change it back as soon as I've reached whatever random milestone allows one to change one's title. I need a logo. "Forever Newbie".


I also like that I'm finally home from work, because what a ridiculous day it was.


And orange Kool-aid. I like orange Kool-aid. I have refined tastes, as you can tell.

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You know what? I've given it deep thought, and I like the title of Newbie too. In fact, I may only ever post in the Lounge so that I can always be a Newbie. If by some horrible series of events I somehow end up with a title other than Newbie, I will change it back as soon as I've reached whatever random milestone allows one to change one's title. I need a logo. "Forever Newbie".


I also like that I'm finally home from work, because what a ridiculous day it was.


And orange Kool-aid. I like orange Kool-aid. I have refined tastes, as you can tell.


*looks at glass of orange kool-aid* Heh..I like it too

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*I Like* being the one to let AraFox know she can change her title when she reaches post 501.

*I Like* that Lisnpuppy can be so endearing sometimes. Bunny Smooches !

*I Like* ...that I just changed my mind on what my 3rd line was going to be... mah hah hah.....

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I will surely never make 501 posts. I'm not sure I have that much to say.


I like bread and butter.


I like toast and jam.


I... wait...

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I like that I have found a kindred soul in the most random of places.


I like that I'm having what is easily in the top-3 of best holidays ever.


I like strong coffee in the morning, and green tea in the evening. Because I also like sleeping well.

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I like that acidzebra is having a quality vacation. :thumbsup:


I like brinner. I can't be the only one. (Breakfast for dinner - for those of you who are deprived and have never had brinner).


I like watching the X-Files with the lights out.


I also like cheap wine and expensive cheese.


And this smiley: :psyduck: Because, Psyduck!

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I liked finding out about why putting my lips on the back of my hand and blowing on the skin did not make me laugh like it did when it happened to me when I was a baby.


I found out if I put my lips on my girlfriend's nose and blew gently that it made her laugh and her body wiggled. I did it all over her face and hair and she was giggling and wiggling so much I decided to try it on her neck too.


She told me to stop when I got her shoulder. I worked on down to where her T-Shirt exposed her belly button, because I knew what happened when Mom put her lips there blew on my belly.


She started laughing, she started wiggling, and suddenly she failed her arms about and raised her knees and hit me square in the chin and knocked me out cold.


Yup I liked doing all that experimenting until then. I'd like to do it again. But she's gone and I am so old, I'll have to find out if I'm liked well enough to go where she said we'd meet again.

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