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You know what i like?


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I'm so dead (any female forum member will kill and so will moderators)


BOOBS (and ass)!!!!!!!!!


I'm not normally so crude, but what can I say?

No offence anyone but someone was going to say it. What do I like? A good whisky, and some decent music (Punk or heavier, preferably metal, Slipknot, Metallica, Anthrax.)

But I hate most stuff, like anyone who can't make me laugh.

Comedy sets us free (as does sex). :biggrin: :thumbsup:


Please don't hurt me.

Hah! Good luck with yer pathetic plea at the end, there, wasder. Welcome to Spank Central. I like to see new folks broken in.

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You're TOO horny.... And I didn't think that was possible!


... So, who's up for some spanking?


Ohhh..pick me <hand raised in air> pick me!!

I like spanks!



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I'm not much for spankings... actually, right now, I'm up for some laundry.

(Gotta' wash my helmet-cover and armor-vest cover for a Change-of-Command ceremony this week).


I like being able to get an open dryer when it's this late at night.

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You're TOO horny.... And I didn't think that was possible!


... So, who's up for some spanking?


Ohhh..pick me <hand raised in air> pick me!!

I like spanks!





I'll spank ya. http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/icons/EvilGrin.gif

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You're TOO horny.... And I didn't think that was possible!


... So, who's up for some spanking?


Ohhh..pick me <hand raised in air> pick me!!

I like spanks!





I'll spank ya. http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/icons/EvilGrin.gif



COme here then babe!!

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