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You know what i like?


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I like..no LOVE my mountains.




I like your mountains too! I've been adventuring up in that there sky country.


I love my bay (photo by me, of course):


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Puff the magic dragon!!! LMAO


It's the Pot Smoker's anthem.. you knew right?





ah snot! I wasted my 1000th post on this!?

the pot smokers... NO! REALLY! Well, that puts a whole new perspective on the whole dragon miasma , doesnt it. Sorry you wasted your 1000th on me, Myrm. I do appreciate it tho. (any hint of irony in this post is entirely intentional) I like irony.

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I like the fact that nearly everyone has a dragon but me, I ate all mine


*I Like* that I also don't have any dragons.

*I Like* barbeque.

<burp> oh, excuse me.

I do too,mos. But it takes a hell of a sling shot to bring one of those suckers down! i like big sling shots!

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I like..no LOVE my mountains.


I like ...no LOVE your mountains, too. Almost make me ferget about all the dragon crap im having to step around while tryin to aim my giant sling shot! And, im on my 6th bumpershoot already. Just cant get a decent dragon poo proof bumpershoot for love,nor money , any more!

And, just let me say one more thing about dragons...( a tiny hand comes out of nowhere and stifles the Old Ones freedom of speech, not for the first time, and probably not for the last . Where said tiny hand was applied to effect said stifling must be left to the readers' imagination, * mutters* those that havent filled all theirs up with fekkin dragons, that is. )

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