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No feh there my girl!



Phooey! (my favorite)







I like Moszibby word fillers.




I like saying that.....heh....



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I don't know what is feh out there ... but it sounds very alike the word we have to faith.



It was mentioned in a remark to Chesto, earlier in the thread.


"Feh" is a sound and expression thing denoting amusement and/or disbelief.


And it can be used privately or in public, to members of all sexes and ages.

Best of all, it translates well into many languages, even West Virginian, Canadian, Spanish, Ruskie....in fact the list is endless ! I like that in a word.

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I don't know what is feh out there ... but it sounds very alike the word we have to faith.

nos, my old friend from a colder, saner place...nos flee this thread , now, before...THEY... sink their monosyllabic ways into you...it is not too late for you, nos...even tho i am damned...run now back to where it is so much saner...and less draughty...

I like the way I am trying to save Nos from etc...


...and Mos... no true Scot could ever speak of other than the great kilt! You are so busted...prepgirluniforms indeed! Yer oot the clan, laddie.

I like the way i spotted that. And where the hey is my WOO? Im getting chillblains riding in Carah' topdown Golf, with a draught up the fundament...or should that be overheadcam?

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I don't know what is feh out there ... but it sounds very alike the word we have to faith.

nos, my old friend from a colder, saner place...nos flee this thread , now, before...THEY... sink their monosyllabic ways into you...it is not too late for you, nos...even tho i am damned...run now back to where it is so much saner...and less draughty...

I like the way I am trying to save Nos from etc...


...and Mos... no true Scot could ever speak of other than the great kilt! You are so busted...prepgirluniforms indeed! Yer oot the clan, laddie.

I like the way i spotted that. And where the hey is my WOO? Im getting chillblains riding in Carah' topdown Golf, with a draught up the fundament...or should that be overheadcam?


Och, now I know....not long ago I mentioned Gemini things to the four airts, so that may be it. If ye have the sight, I cannea feel it from you.

Most moderns think of the kilt that was brought out in 1730, the one often worn in dress occations nowdays, the unwashed heathens to consider it a kilt. Now ye ken why I call it a prepschool skirt.....

The WOO was offered by somebody else. Wasn't me. Faer oot un gruvey....

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Sorry Mos...about including my WOO plea in a post directed at you. I know it's that other guy/gal who is holding out. But... as much fun as it is rodding around with Carah at the wheel - she uses those horns on her helmet to signal turns, ya know - I was only ever here to get my bit of WOO. ...and as to how I knew when, approx, your birthday...well... with Carah it's Mos this, and Mos that... what am I, balast?


I like the 'real ' kilts, the great kilts, tho how the auld crofters managed the time to weave all that woolen plaid, while at the same time wage sheep stealing war on each other, is beyond me.


...damn, woman! You'll have my eye out if you keep making those quick turns! Give me some notice, dagnabbit! ...and i'm feeling car sick...

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Sorry Mos...about including my WOO plea in a post directed at you. I know it's that other guy/gal who is holding out. But... as much fun as it is rodding around with Carah at the wheel - she uses those horns on her helmet to signal turns, ya know - I was only ever here to get my bit of WOO. ...and as to how I knew when, approx, your birthday...well... with Carah it's Mos this, and Mos that... what am I, balast?

...damn, woman! You'll have my eye out if you keep making those quick turns! Give me some notice, dagnabbit! ...and i'm feeling car sick...


Och, pay no heed to carah's ramblin' about me. I'm a fine specimen of a man and she well knows it because I told her so. And being the proper woman she is, she went with what she was told.....

**I like** a woman like that. Them horns for signaling ? I figured they was for hanging on while....jeez, I can't say *that* here. ....heh...y'all ken.....


And a thanks to bsandman_2 for the birthday wishes.

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Och, pay no heed to carah's ramblin' about me. I'm a fine specimen of a man and she well knows it because I told her so. And being the proper woman she is, she went with what she was told.....

**I like** a woman like that. Them horns for signaling ? I figured they was for hanging on while....jeez, I can't say *that* here. ....heh...y'all ken.....


And a thanks to bsandman_2 for the birthday wishes.

... you mean... those horns came with more options? Why was I not told this? Ah me. A life blighted by yet more missed opportunities...


I like horns with options. Once upon a time... I used just to like reading books...

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Och, pay no heed to carah's ramblin' about me. I'm a fine specimen of a man and she well knows it because I told her so.


FEH?!.... <furrowing brow, and lip curling> ....seeing that it is your day today, and I have a weakness for Gemini's. I shall spare you from my horns and spear, but my twins (Lisn) spear is sharper than mine, and I can't spare you from hers. Yes, I do admitt you can pull the woolen kilt over my eyes, but only because I let you. I may be totally crushing you, but don't fan that fire too hard you can get burned.


I like cocky Gemini', that live in Colorado, that carry guns, and drives a black jeep.


Har, har ;D

...and Chesto...don't make me come over there! < wagging finger>

...jeepers!... like a bunch of feakin' kids!

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(sigh) ....seems the only women that want me live really far, far, far away.


And you needn't ask if it is "what I like".

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