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You know what i like?


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'so put yur grubby hand in mine,

there aint no hill or mountain, we caint climb...(ascending scale)


(oboe fill, or perhaps cor anglais )

i got chew babe.

etc, etc, until one becomes a politician, and the other throws things at cameramen.

Funny how things turn out. I like that.


I had that cat in my cheeseburger once. Neither of us liked it much.

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'so put yur grubby hand in mine,

there aint no hill or mountain, we caint climb...(ascending scale)


(oboe fill, or perhaps cor anglais )

i got chew babe.

etc, etc, until one becomes a politician, and the other throws things at cameramen.

Funny how things turn out. I like that.


I had that cat in my cheeseburger once. Neither of us liked it much.

Done..mate...shall we climb some proverbial mountains,I think we already throw things at camera men.

Is ait an mac an saol. Life is strange.Such is life.


Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending..anon..

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When things get too serious in life go here:

I like this website http://icanhascheezburger.com


I remember when my life got too serious. Jeez, it was horrible.

*I Like* that it lasted only about three seconds.

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blue writing today Aeryn? i like that





Eh Ty..I will not abbreviate it as tyre, Oh forget you from Scotland you already know way we spell those things called wheels on a car here tyre..Eh Like ...well Ty I was feeling blue..after... well just after la.....


I like its good to be back with my newer DSL lines fixed new faster speed, but still waiting for modem other bad, and may cut me off at any time till it arrives..So I'll pop in till I speeding even faster now, I like faster.. I even missed you me Scott mate..


Like eh maybe if I try I can reach the speed of sound....Chesto may be the only one to get my ironic subtle sarcasm statement there..


..I know this is I like, but where no shall I put this, but amougst me freinds.Don't mind me I am lost admist this....by ah I like this song..sad as it is...


By Slide one of the most exciting Irish groups of the last decade....well I have many sides to me, and many genres I like depends on my mood..la



Just So Far Away - Mick Broderick



Flung into the open. Like a seed on a castle floor.


I'm pushing up. But someone's pushing down.


Can see a foot behind the door.


I'm not looking for a favour. I'm just trying to make it pay.


And everything that's just so close is just so far away.




Playing in the suburbs. Made of concrete made to pound.


Tearing down the things that last.


Leave 'em buried without a sound.


I'm not here to look for anyone. I'm just trying to find a way.


And everything that's just so close is just so far away.




Riding on a Blackhorse. Doing what I should.


Swinging up to Clonard Road.


Across to the Hunter's wood.


Not here to make companions. Not made 'em anyway.


And everything that's just so close is just so far away.




Checking in the paper. Staying sharp and biding time.


With markers laid & bribes all paid.


I'm sticking to one line.


I'm not looking for a quick fix. I'm just a river to the bay.


And everything that's just so close is just so far away.




Breaking up the city. Breaking all around.


People scrambling to the roofs.


Scrambling to be found.


Not looking for an answer; not looking for a place to pray.


And everything that's just so close is just so far away.




Restless with the present. No respite from the past.


Alive but not yet living.


Going nowhere fast.


Eyes closed but not yet sleeping. Between both night and day.


And everything that's just so close is just so far away.




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*I Like* not at all that I have been remiss at conversing with some of those dear to me.

But *I Like* a lot the reason that caused me not to..... :wub:

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I like it that Aerynn decides, just when i crack a rib, that now would be a good time to climb some fekkin mountain, strewn, probably, with mines and man traps, and scree.

Mines and mantraps and scree, oh my.

I like to think that Aerynn wouldnt mind doin a bit o the draggin this time, and that, mebbe, ill get to ride all the way on me arse. That being the only part of my anatomy immune from the aforementioned mines and mantraps and scree. It means that me head will be safe, too.

I like that.


I like 'yippers'. Makes me think of 'kippers', which i hate. Oops. Re: the lack of any threads devoted to generally negative responses to things, would someone like to start a thread called 'Awwww', dealing with the disappointments that befall one in life? I would like it if they did.

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I like it that Aerynn decides, just when i crack a rib, that now would be a good time to climb some fekkin mountain, strewn, probably, with mines and man traps, and scree.

Mines and mantraps and scree, oh my.

I like to think that Aerynn wouldnt mind doin' a bit o the draggin this time, and that, mebbe, ill get to ride all the way on me arse. That being the only part of my anatomy immune from the aforementioned mines and mantraps and scree. It means that me head will be safe, too.

I like that.


I like 'yippers'. Makes me think of 'kippers', which i hate. Oops. Re: the lack of any threads devoted to generally negative responses to things, would someone like to start a thread called 'Awwww', dealing with the disappointments that befall one in life? I would like it if they did.


I like it that Chesto asks me, the walking wounded,of life itself..right now, to a do bit o' the draggin', when the feeling is mutual..What you think you the only one with a cracked rib here, that sees precipes with jagged rocks, and feckin mine traps strewn about.. who know where..

Eh like did you read my song lyrics a post or three back, you think those were idle words scattered to the wind, probably since they go untouched..


So much scattered to the winds these days..mate...Here we stand the Irish and a Brit side by side in a complexity of absurdities, wrought with all kinds of minefields, that one knows not where to walk..

Where heeded warnings starve, as cattle in the fields.. eh like now you make a call for another thread..ha...I will yeah!!!! I will in me hat!!!!

Crikey the mourners have not yet left the pyre...or is mourner..


Just to maintain balance, whatever that means..That thread I liked dearly for what it stood for..died, a piece of me did too, a principle more important to me, than so many things..for I did it for all not just me..I liked that I could do that, I liked that allot..

Eh like you know what happens to a Sagg when their principles get blown far and wide on mine fields unseen, hidden from view....


Eh like I guess the I like thread filled with assorted freinds will have to pardon the occasional befallings, and look at I like as also as I like to reach out and give a hand to those fallen comrades, that fought for right, justice,and all that rot..

I like that if that were truly so..


Last time I took your advice, and started a thread, I got it taken away simply for sharing my feelings, an standing up for someone I cared about, aye Ooops is right.. no palce to put discontent, and disapointments that befall us all....and such rot, and bring the tempo down..I better watch meself. My open heart usually means the wolves jaws draw near...or worse, "the dead are now buried and the plague is at its end, life for the people flowers again, they breathe fresh air like they did once before and there is not a sound from beyond the castle walls the bell has stopped and only silence is heard"..(The Animals)


Eh so like I will do a bit o' draggin' but in case you haven't noticed, I need some too.., for alone here in this bog, with no place to turn and no-one near, up close, it was a needed, a place to be amidst freinds, and just say, today i hurt, tmr I will smile but today I need a hand..a wee laugh, a distraction..


"Hold on to what is good even if it is a handful of earth. Hold on to what

you believe even if it is a tree which stands by itself. Hold on to what

you must do even if it is a long way from here. Hold on to life even when

it is easier letting go. Hold on to my hand even when I have gone away

from you."


Eh la..I am just pissing in the wind..smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone..who me cry not I...la

temporary insanity is only temporary..

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