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i will just be playing my guitar all the way though the noises coming from the bedrooms ( here we go again..)



I can't help it if I'm a screamer!...he he

I like beddy by time!



Eh like on that note ty you'll havta play guitar solo...la :whistling:

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i will just be playing my guitar all the way though the noises coming from the bedrooms ( here we go again..)



Well... I like it that ive been invited to live in this menage a rie. Though, if i find that ty's disturbing attractiveness keeps me awake some nights, ill just work away at the workbench i have set up in the bedroom, there. Turn out some nocturnal jewelry. Just learned how to make a new piece, recently. Cant see its attractiveness as i have old fashiioned tastes, but apparently some like it. And i spose someone will look attractive wearing it. I like that.

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(awww...no one wants to live with me?) :(


awwww I'd live with you Dani...and Dezi and Carah, and I guess that means Mos too, as long as he behaves himself, and lets not forget mymaad Ty, and Chesto too, why because only those on this side of the pond know how to slag properly, and I need the intellectual stimulus, true fencing and proper slaggign..that its all good craic, and actually shows you care..

What would happen utter and complete Chaos, for many reasons, eh like mainly cause you added me in the mix..la.I would just cause trouble all around..simply becuase of who I am.. all you blokes would probaby end up not liking me at all...la. :whistling:

I like it that the 'probably', in the above, means that we dont necessarily have to wait for the end. smarmysmileyfingerupthenosehairygotchaaerynnface.gif.

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image living with









lisn ( sorry! forgot!)


how would that turn out i wonder



I like the way ty has squeezed himself in between aerynn and dezi, while ive got to share with alice and carah. I get little enough bluddy sleep as it is!

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image living with









lisn ( sorry! forgot!)


how would that turn out i wonder



I like the way ty has squeezed himself in between aerynn and dezi, while ive got to share with alice and carah. I get little enough bluddy sleep as it is!


Yeah...how can I ever really stay angry with you, you auld good craic mind stimulating Brit *censored* you..smarmysmileyfingerupthenosehairygotchachestoface.gif.


As for ty he can try... :whistling:

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