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I like that Carah's son has a cool name!



*I Like* that Carah, her son, and I all have really cool real life names and they all sound so well together. :wub:


@LogInToDownload: *I Like* misspelling/mispronouncing Canada (and other words) to annoy a certain Canadian babe.

I would like to think that if I changed my name to its proper anglo/celtic/nativecanuck one, you all would adopt me. I dont eat much. ...and am quite house trained. ...quite. but, i cant ride in the back of the jeep. get car sick. are we there, yet?

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I like it that my avataar makes me think of perpetually falling, but never hitting hard ground, while walking stick, which i dont yet need, though might after hitting hard ground, flies out of my hand, to fall onto my head, when i finally hit the hard ground, which i perpetually never do.
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don't worry i'll stay away from the leather.and i just got off the roof.

I like it that you have taken my sage advice concerning leather proximity, post lasagna consumption. But, unless you remember to say 'I like ', next time you post, I will let ty point his thing at you , again. <smileydominatrixpuckeredleatherface.gif>

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