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Every time you start talking about Josh being up on the roof, I'm reminded of an old joke...


John had just won first prize at a cat show and had received a 10-day cruise to the Puerto Rico. The catch was, though, pets weren't allowed on the cruise. So he decided to leave his cat with his best friend, Al. Al agreed to come over to John's house and live with his mom for the duration of the cruise. John told Al, "Just feed the cat three meals a day, and take good care of him. He's my prize-winning cat!" And with that, he left. The next day, John phoned Al on his cell phone and asked, "How are things?"


To which Al responded, "Things are fine."


"How's Mom?"


"Mom's fine."


"How's the cat?"


"The cat's fine." Satisfied, John hung up. Next day, John called Al again, asking the same questions.


"How are things?"


"Things are fine."


"How's Mom?"


"Mom's fine."


"How's the cat?"


"The cat's dead."


"WHAT?!?" John was quite distressed. "How could you let it die? It was my prize cat!"


"Well, John, I'm sorry, but I couldn't do anything, I didn't see it. But what I think happened was that the cat was on the roof, fell off, and broke his leg. Then, he hobbled out into the road, and got run over." John was cooling down a bit now, and said, "Well, couldn't you have tried to break it to me over time? You could have said it bit by bit. For example, you could have first said 'The cat's on the roof, and I can't get her down', then the next day said 'The cat fell off the roof, and broke its leg', see what I'm saying."


"Yeah, yeah, I get it. See you later, John."


"Ok... bye." John hung up. The next day, John phoned Al again.


"How are things?"


"Things are fine."


"How's Mom?"


"Umh," Al said, "Mom's on the roof, and I can't get her down."

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I also like it when other people don't configure their wireless router properly, sometimes. :whistling:


I'm currently leeching bandwidth from some officer's room in the barracks near the softball field... right now, I'm sitting in the dugout for the field, awaiting the next batch of trainees who will come through the training station they've set up on the softball field (I'm providing medical coverage for the training, just in case somebody gets hurt).


I like being able to check my email away from my room.

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thats a cracker, human...! reminds me of one I like:


The drill sergeant received notification that Private Jones' beloved aunt had passed away. He was a crusty old sergeant, and didnt like emotional involvement with the troops. How to tell Jones?


He had the company form up on the parade square at attention. then:


Drill sergeant: 'All those with aunties , one step forward, HARCH! ...edit: as you were, Jones!'

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I like tea..lots and lots of tea.

I like Dezi for continuing to help me learn..and now Myrmaad for helping me beat Vista into submission!

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