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You know what i like?


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I like it when a guy opens the door for me (Chivalry isn't dead). I like equal rights, but not on the gender level, on the human level. Chocolate, daisies, and morning glories, diamonds (not blood diamonds, Canada produces beautiful ones, but there so figgin' expensive). Funny guys that are not serious and boring, and part Clydesdale, but that's on the superficial level. What is important is how they use it, and how smart they are. A sexy mind is the most important.


Lol if more girls were like you I'd have the most ex girlfriends ever lol. :sweat:

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Once upon a time, there was a thread without dragons. It was called the I Like thread. It was a safe place for bears, fellhounds, and Old Ones to roam freely. Now...none of the former can venture into this thread without running the risk of having a Dragon dump on them from a great height. Did none of you Dragon wierdos even consider the mess that one of those full grown suckers can make, just in yer normal fly by?! No, yah didnt. And who do I sue to get this crap out of me clothes? Hmmm?


I like bears, and the causes of bears. Bears crap in the woods, not on yer head! I like that!

Eggs? I like mine over easy, and without Dragon embryos!

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