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You know what i like?


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I like toothpaste. LOL

I just like it that you would give 'brushing your teeth' a whole new meaning! Im still trying to catch up with all the other whole new meanings you, and some others, have given! Omelettes, Carah? Not getting that one at all. I like it that nothing anyone says on this thread actually does what it says on the tin. ...except me,of course. I like it that i am entirely obvious.

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I just love it! One little contra-dragon post , and they allllll fly away.

What these young dragophiles dont understand is, that anyone who survived the 60's with a few brain cells ,more or less intact, had had dinned into their cranial soft tissues, Puff the Magic Dragon, for what seemed like half that decade, if not longer. Tends to make one highly immune to the unquestioning worhip of all things Drago.

The two beards and the blond had sung some very powerful protests, but, what , if they are still alive, do they still wake up screaming, drenched in cold flop sweat, in the middle of the night? Fekking Puff.... And that kid in the song, little Jackie Whosit. Whats he up to now? Shouldnt be surprised if he isnt using fekkin Puff to run Aztec marching powder into southern Cal, even as i speak.

And just add a Sean Connery voice over to anything, and you can give it charm and credibility. Dub Sean's voice over Hitler's, even, and all of a sudden one can overlook the guy's nasty little tache, his rather extreme ideas re social engineering and the fate of Poland, and yer thinking you could step out and have a beer with the guy.

No, dragon lovers. They're just big lizards with a tendency to hoard stuff, which in these economically straightened times could be considered downright anti-social. They also tend to eat New York city, which, granted, some may not mourn. But, they also tend to bother the livestock, and make off with any available virgins... not that that is the easiest thing to do , these days. Everything else they set alight.

I rest my case. ...and I like that.

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I like that I have not lost heart, faith and the belief of a child...thanks to my Druid Grans...I been through hell back, and yet I still believe...I came from the 60's and I believe..But then I like that I am Irish, it what sets us apart from our ummm oppositions ...one thing they could ne'er take from us, that fact that we believe, we dream, and we ne'er have stopped..

Those that believe will not go away, history has tried to stop us, the dreamers, we are still here and you will not chase away these young folk that want to believe..and dare to dream,and us older folk that know better, than be scared by bullies..I like that!!!!

I like we still beleive..and I like that I don't care what old men with no imaginations believe anymore..that feels the need to tear apart the dreams of others..them that have faith,in nothing, tear all others faith and dreams apart!!!

I rest my case and I like that too...!!!!

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I like that I can wander offline for a few days, and return to find very little about the regular cast-n-crew has changed.

I like sardonic humor.

I also like dragons.

But I like not bothering to click on dragons.

Supposedly, they're at the apex of their food-chain.

Let the buggers fend for themselves, I say.

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I love Dragons. I think that since there is so little magik in the world that I will keep clicking. I always cry when I hear Puff the Magic Dragon.

I like that I am still enough of a kid inside that I believe.


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