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You know what i like?


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I like when gypsies cut a tree down on my neighbours property, carve it into a chair and then try to sell it to them.

I also like leemurs.

I like that I have moved on...






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*I Like* aardvarks, since they are so cool.

*I Like* that


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*I Like* having only two weeks and two days until I make a trip to the airport. :bunny:

*I Like* having a good supply of batteries for the camera.

*I Like* my Betty Boop rug....

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I like the rare occasions when I get to laugh at my job.

Let me explain...


Imagine you have to go camping to play lazer-tag with your friends, only while you're camping you have to wear 35 lbs of uncomfortable body-armor, a 6-lb helmet, a gallon-jug of water strapped to your back, 5lbs of lazer-tag sensors, 10lbs of additional equipment, and then they won't even give you a gun that shoots back at the enemy, they won't let you barbeque outside, you can't build a campfire, and the only entertainment you get is to play with a large-scale G.I. Joe Mobile Command Post.

Oh yeah, and add in mosquitos that can possibly be carrying malaria.

That's what I did, all last week.

Meh... at least I'm getting paid for this.


Okay, here's what happened...

We left for the field on Monday night at around 22:30; the wheeled-vehicle convoy had rolled out earlier, but those of us on tracked vehicles (I'm the Track Commander for an M113-series Armored Ambulance) had to be moved via wide-load trailers, which aren't allowed on the roads between 06:00 and 20:00. The exercise was for our scouts to go out snoopin'-&-poopin' to recon on the OPFOR (who were being played by a company of grunts from 2-9 Infantry BN), and we in the medical platoon were supposed to undergo a couple of mass-casualty drills, since the Squadron Commander had insisted that the whole freakin' Platoon be out there to support just two (of four) Troops


By mid-Thursday, it was pretty obvious that the Command Group had completely forgotten about incorporating the medics into any kind of training. Most of our personnel were either being tasked for guardshifts on the perimeter of the Troop Assembly Area, or were napping, and I was stuck sitting in my track monitoring the radio and Blue-Force Tracker (a computer-comm system that shows locations of all friendly units). The First Sergeant and Troop Commander decide that if the medics are to get any benefit of this field exercise, that it will have to be conducted internally, so the First Sergeant rounds up a few soldiers to act as local OPFOR, and begins his attack on our area at around 16:30.


They forgot to tell me that this was a homebrew training event, and not part of the big scenario.


So, when the first artillery simulators start going off (pyrotech that makes a loud, descending whistle followed by an explosion), I draw my pistol and grab the hand-mic for the radio... 2LT Hopper, our Platoon Leader dashes from the aid-station tent into the back of my track to check on the message traffic (during this time, the Squadron Commander is conducting an on-air briefing to the other Troop Commanders)... I say "I'm waiting for the SCO to finish talking, and if the CP doesn't report it up, than I will." The LT gives me the thumbs-up and bolts back outside to help direct the aid-station.


Three arty-sims later, the SCO finishes his transmission and the net is clear; I wait for ten seconds, and when nobody else speaks, I break squelch... "Sabre Tango, Sabre Tango, this is Sabre Medic 31... SHELLREP, over." (Which is prepatory to calling in a report of incoming artillery...it alerts other units that somewhere there's an enemy within striking distance, and if you've got a counterbattery radar nearby, can help locate them).


Next thing I know, CPT Postelli is charging across the AA without his armor vest or helmet on, waving his arms and screaming "DON'T CALL THAT UP! STOP TRANSMITTING! DON"T CALL THAT UP!"... and 1LT Gage (our Executive Officer) breaks in on the net and says "Uhh, Sabre Tango, this is Warhorse 5, disregard SHELLREP, negative traffic, over."


I, of course, am thoroughly confused by this... about ten minutes after the attack ends and the casualty drill is over, CPT Postelli comes back by my track to explain that the Squadron Command wasn't supposed to get involved in that particular event, and that if they had, it would've been mighty annoying for a lot of other people. He then had me simulate my SHELLREP call with he and the First Sergeant ("Uhh, three rounds, HE, groundburst, vicinity grid blah-blah-blah, will call further pending crater analysis, sir...") and asked me a few questions about how I even learned what a SHELLREP was as a Corporal in the Medical Platoon.


So, I somehow managed to do both the right thing and the wrong thing simultaneously. Not everyday that you can say that, y'know?


Anyhow, Monday morning we're at first formation, and the First Sergeant calls out "Following personnel; when I call your name, fall out and fall in to my left," pulling people out of ranks to stand in-front of the Troop. I was one of the six names called... the CPT was giving out coins (little medallions that are given out as an attaboy... not as prestigious as a medal, but still nice recognition) and proceeds to describe what each of us did that earned us this honor. He gets around to me and starts explaining... "Now, Enzenauer's was actually pretty funny..." but commends me for the whole incident, and as he's shaking my hand (palming me the coin) tells me that I'm gonna' have to give a class to the Troop sometime about the different types of Reports to call in.


I like it when my job makes me laugh.

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