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You know what i like?


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*I Like* knowing somebody that has friends that can do something for somebody else.

*I Like* not making the above statement clearer.

*I Like* Carah

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I like girls that are more interested in a man as a human being rather than how much money he has in the bank, the car he drives, the clothes he wears, etc.


Too bad these girls fall under the category of "Mythical Beings"

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When I met my wife I was a young 25 year old punk, with a teaching degree (History, majored in western Civ.) with 6 years remaining on my service with the USMC, knowing I would be sent back to Iraq without a doubt. She on the other hand was a district manager for CVS Pharmacy making close to 100k a year, with a masters in Business. Needless to say I was out of her league. She took a chance on me and we have now been married for 7 years.


They are out there, maybe not many of them. The toughest part is holding on to them when you do find 'em.


The funny part is how I met her. I went into a CVS, she was reaming the manager for this and that. I walked by and stopped to ask her if she could help me find something to get a stain out of my dress Blues. She said sure, About 2 weeks later and after jumping through several hoops, I finally got in touch with her again. I told her she saved my life and that I would have been put in front of a firing squad if not for her help. She bought it, absolutely thought I was serious. I then asked her to dinner and the rest is history lol...


I guess after my story I should also say I like to be sarcastic, and in this case it proved to be the best "con" of my life lol.

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