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*I Like* knowing Carah released a house mod for Nehrim today ( mod plug )

*I Like* installing Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 today

*I Like* that paganwannbe is a smart aleck....but he's politer in the phrase he refers to himself than I am when I describe myself....

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*I Like* Greek Yogert with honey

*I Like* keeping this thread from getting lost in the archives

*I Like* Carah....

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Oh for god's sake!!!!


I like just how foolish those people are.


We eat cows. We need to eat meat or we become badly sick.


If a human only eats greens, it becomes very badly sick. Trust me, I know, when I was much younger, I trained to be a doctor, and while certain health issues prevented me from seeing that ambition through, I do retain a moderate amount of medical knowledge. A balanced diet is crucial, eating fish, white meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy, grains and red meat are all vital. If you shirk even one of those for long enough, you'll get seriously ill. Dietry defiencies are no joke, I saw a thirteen year old girl almost die because she refused to eat red meat, these PETA, dare I say it, had it coming for being such blind fools.


Furthermore, I actualy own a motorbike(Phillip Island this weekend, FTW!). And there several concerns yoface every time you ride.


Motorbikes are perfectly safe if you know how to deal with a crash, idealy you want to roll the bike over so that it slides away ahead of you. For example, if you were going around a left hand corner and fell off, I've been trained to lean the bike over so that I'm on the apex side of the corner, and thus causing the bike to slide away from me. This drops me onto my side at a pace too slow to do any injury even without the thick kevlar plated ]ackets sport riders wear.


However while it's easy to avoid a major fall injury in MOST bike crashes, you do however end up sliding along. Thus you need leathers. Leather absorbs sliding friction better than virtualy any modern synthetic. We cant simply stop using leather because some fool wants to die of dietry issues.


Lastly, you've got no windscreen. Air blasts at you at a titanic rate of knots. Thus in cold climates such as south eastern Australia, you need something wind proof to keep warm. Leather blocks wind like nothing else. And it doubles as impact protection and slide protection.


Finaly, leather can be removed from eaten cows. They'll die anyway, and while alive do more environmental harm than cars do, so humanely killing them, eating the meat, using the hooves to make glue, the sinews to make specialty goods, the hide to make leather and the blood to make fertaliser, is probably the best and least wasteful way to end their lives.



I like that Phillip Island is just down the road from my new house.


For those not of a motorsporting bent. Phillip Island is an extremely scenic island out in the equally stunning ocean bay south east of Melbourne, in sourtheastern Australia. It's home to a world class golf course, but also one of motorcycle racing's greatest tracks. It's got a place in the memories of many a motorsport enthusiast because it's a really enjoyable track to drive or ride, but also has some of the most spectacular views of any modern track.


But because of my recent house-move, I dont even have to fly/train/drive far to get there. It's been a memorable season in world championship motorcycle racing. And this weekend I'll actualy be able to see that live from the track stands, without having to suffur the hastle of going more than 50 kilometres.

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*I Like* baked spaghetti

*I Like* when people driving by keep their music to themselves.

*I Like* there being only 70 more days...

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I *REALLY* like being the only person on campus qualified to look after spiders and exotic pets.


Means I get to meet a lot of new four, six, eight, and ten legged friends.


A lot of people come and go to other sattelite campuses for a few days at a time, it's just how we do things here, but they have all sorts of funky pets that cant be left alone for that long.


Which means that I often step in to look after thos pets-I've been keeping all sorts of unusual critters since I was a little kid, and I never get sick of meeting some new and unusual species.


Just like dogs and cats, lizards, crabs, spiders, multipedes and insects come in diferent breeds.


Just today a good friend of mine left on a week long trip to Vietnam, leaving in my care a spider I've never seen before.


She's a Nicaraguan Blue, and thus vary rare as a pet. Now, most pet spiders are all Theraphosidae of a single genus and family type. Just like diferent coloured cats often have similar facial features, so do the various South American Theraphosa spiders. They're also really colourful. My pair are a freshly adult Mexican Red-Knee, she's pitch midnight black with deep sunset orange on her joints and back, and a very young Texas Brown, who's got mottled beige, brown, white and grey fur in a pattern uncannily like desert camouflage.


This blue however is one of the cutest spiders I've ever met. She's deep midnight purple with swirls magenta and ultramarine, and has a sleepy, laid back attitude. I really like Tarantulas. They may look scary, but they're real sweeties when you know how to treat them well-If you dont scare them they're as gentle as pets come.


Most tunnel dwelling or web dwelling spiders are badly scared of the vibrations we make. They sense their prey by the vibrations of the tripwires or webs they make. So that's why when you go anywhere near them, they get frightened and rear up. It's standard spider behavior, they dont want to have to regenerate vemon from a bite so they try and frighten predators away. But if you stand really still, they'll happily eat off your hand. It's an amazing experience, one of nature's most beautifuly evolved predators asleep on the palm of your hand.

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I like watching Malachi doing his countdown (I can see him Xing off the days on the Calendar)

Oh, and BTW - Malachi & Carah...I'm ordained and am authorised to perform weddings

...just in case you two are interested :thumbsup:

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