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*I Like* dinner tonight being artichokes and a bottle of Pinot Grigio Cavit wine ( Italian)
*I Like* the person I had that dinner with tonight.
*I like* being able to turn my head and see Carah sitting on my couch....

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It's january third and that means it's Dakar Rally time!


I have two favorite sports events every year: the Dakar Rally in january and The 24 Hour De Le Mans in august. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dakar_2010_-_Marc_Coma.jpg Photo. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rally_Dakar_2009_7.jpg In perspective. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dakar_Rally_2011_map-en.svg The Route-2011.

The 'Dakar is probably the world's most infamous motoring event, and for good reason. Lasting two weeks straight, it consists of a 7,000 kilometre desert race, in the harshest possible conditions.


You get either a motorbike, or a car, and at 3:45 AM have to get up, gear up, and drive usualy about 500 kilometres to the start line. Once there, you wait in 135+ farenheit without an air conditioner until the race actualy starts, then have to drive said car flat out for about 2-7 hours straight across the Atacama desert in 150+ farenheit summer temperatures, across sand and rocks.


If your car breaks down, you have to fix it yourself. You can bring some parts, but that's it, no outside help, the driver fixes his or her mount, if not, they have to stay at the vehicle until the infamous Sweeper Truck comes in at 9 PM and possibly picks them up.


The day starts at 3:45. You then drive for 10 hours in 150 farenheit. You go to bed at 11:55 PM. You get up at 3:45 AM, rince, repeat, utter brutality.


But the men and women who survive are able to claim to be the toughest folks on the planet-not everyone does, usualy about 3-15 of the 400 entrants die every year-but survival earns anyone who crosses the finish line a trophy-literaly every survivor is awarded a medal simply for beign alive and driving a working vehicle across the finish line.


That started today in South America, no fatalities, but already there have been over half a dozen vehicles totaled and three broken bones, Rough stuff doesnt even begin to describe it.


My other favorite is the 24 Hours De Mans, which Im already looking forward to. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Saulnier_Courage_and_Audi.jpg Photo.

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Le_Mans_From_Above.jpg Photo Of The Event. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Circuit_de_la_Sarthe_track_map.svg Map.

Hosted every summer in Le Mans, France. The 24 Hueres De Le Mans, which has been going annualy for over 70 years, is the world's premier road motor sport event.


It's famous for three things: glamour, brutality and an unique ability to get motor racing diehards of all ages all misty eyed with nostalgia.


On face value, it's pure glamour, stunning supercars, the biggest names in motorsport, the biggest teams, the highets budgets, the most powerful vehicles. Look below the surface and you've got an event brutal enough to be the Dakar Rally of tarmac.


Each team that wishes to enter needs to bring atleast three tons worth of spare parts, two cars, six drivers, one hundred and fourty eight support crew, and the customary $50 for buying petrol mid lap. The reason for all this is simply: once it starts, the De Mans goes for 24 hours straight, and you dont get any rest breaks.


It goes through the night, into the dawn, and and ends at 3:00PM the second day. Drivers may be changed once every hour, tires, fuel, and frequently major car parts, have to be changed and replaved constantly, usualy only 20% of entrants finish at all.


Aswell as spawning some of the most legendary and beautiful cars of all time, such as the Ford GT-40, and having an unrivaled history and presence, it has a level of competition and dificulty that exists nowhere else. I cant wait.

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I watch the Dakar aswell.

Which group do you want winning this time Vindekarr?


Also, I wouldn't say that they are the toughest people on the planet.

Personally, the riders in the Tour de France are. At least 200km of bike riding every day, with unholy steep mountains of sometimes 17% Gradient (!)

Then you've got the Paris-Rubaix... Wow.




Thats a very long stretch of horribly rough cobblestones, and don't forget that these bikes have no suspension whatsoever.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Mixed loyalties:


I own a Yamaha so I like them-they're phenominal quality.


I like KTM because they're the undisputed ultimate motorbike manufacuror, and their cars kick ass too.


I'd like to see Volkswagen do well again this year-simply because of their drivers, Carlos Sainz was a favorite of mine when he was a rally driver and I was a kid. That was a while ago now.


Kamaz will obviously win it's segment-there is a stigma that Russian technology is simple but never breaks. Kamaz typifies this. I have never heard of a Kamaz not making a clean sweep.


I miss the old days though-Jean-Luois Schesser always was probably my favorite entrant, simply for the extraordinary guts required to compete at the top level here, as a privateer. And because I've always had a thing for buggies.


As for Le Mans, you've got a two way split among fans most years, Puegeot or Audi, and I fall on the Audi side of the border, mostly again for driver reasons. And besides, Peugeot arent going to win this year-it's going to be a brand new, barely tested car, and the last time they tried something new, every single car they brought to the race literaly exploded.


You have a point about cyclists. I didnt really consider those-same sort of trials really, but all the harsher for them. There are some diferences: if they fall off, they will get scrapes, bruises, and broken bones. Andy Caldecot fell off his bike and died. Along with so many others. And if they dont die, we have hundreds of cases of broken bones and internal trauma.

Edited by Vindekarr
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*I Like* this being a good year so far.
*I Like* Carah
*I Like* Carah....repeated for the benefit for the deaf....

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