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You know what i like?


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I like oldtimer motorcycles


I like big and powerful engines


I like the smell of gasoline


I like speed


I like going to the forest with my rifle


I like bolt-action rifles


I like the smell of coffee in the morning


I like trains

Edited by Werne
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This one has his priorities straight, methinks.


I like that after a disapointingly uneventful begining, the Formula One championship actualy managed to put on a really good race this afternoon in Suzuka. Suzuka's a classic track and it's produced a lot of classics throughout history, but for what felt like the first time this year the race was actualy open; Red Bull had dominated to the season thus far, never finishing outside the top 5 with one crash as an exception, but today was diferent, it was how racing is supposed to be, and for that I am glad. Lets just hope that in 2012 we see more of this kind of moment, rather than the "one team has an enormous advantage and everyone else doesn't have a chance" we've seen throughout virtualy the whole eccolstone era.


I mean, you know you've got a sport that needs to change when the most interesting part of the broadcast is a filler thrown in showing a lap of the track in the late '80s by late legend Ayrton Senna from the driver's eye view, rather than the event itself. But I guess that's what happens when, in a sport founded around the concept of innovation, you stifle innovation to create a "safe" environment, a decision that turned Formula One from the pinnacle of motorsport to yet another standard-spec race.

Edited by Vindekarr
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*I Like* painting the desert with my character's blood time and time again in FONV

....thanks to Direwolffe for the post idea....

*I Like* only 76 days are left before Carah makes the move

*I Like* Carah

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I like it when my girlfriends overlook my faults because when payback time comes I bless their socks off.


I like it when I go to the office and find people working and earning their salary.


I like it when the traffic officer gives me a fine and doesnt ask for a bribe instead (he ain't getting one).


I like it when dogs shut up when I yell shut up.


I like it when I go to the mall and I almost always get a parking closest to the entrance.


I like it when they always have my size shoe in stock.


I like it when people say please and thank you.


I like it when people appreciate me and don't take me for granted.


I like it when sales people "sell" and aren't just "order takers" ... I like skill.

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I like it when Fridays turn out positively.


I like it when efforts pays off regardless of wearing a suit or not.


I like it when things fit together in time.

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I was playing EVE Online this afternoon... if you lose a ship it's GONE and you have to buy another, which can be very costly, especialy for the ultra expensive ships we were in.


I was running a mission with my corp(guild) and we managed to put together a truly all-star cast. A Loki, Tengu, Wolf, Curse, and Paladin team, which is basicaly a list of 5 of the best ships you can get for their various roles, and it was all going well till the Loki, which was tanking, had to leave to repair itself and put agro on my Wolf, which became stuck in the mission and unable to leave. Being a small craft it got knocked almost instantly down to low HP, eventualy dropping to 5% health, before our Logistics guy, the Curse pilot, started repairing it, fought it up to 100% again, and the Tengu and Paladin blew the guy locking me in place to atoms. I've not seen that kind of good piloting in EVE for years, it really made me feel priveliged to be part of the corp, and really made my afternoon.


So thanks guys, you're brilliant.

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:teehee: PSvita, Psvita, Psvita, Psvita, Psvita, Psvita.. Febuary 22 release date official.




coming soon in 4 months. Good time of year for something awesome to come out. I hate that month.



Actually iits a really good date, lands on Family day Gov holiday. Since Febuary had none, well they did something about that.Duh to the fact Febuary in Canada is the coldest month of the year.

Edited by Thor.
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*I Like* getting to have a weekend of doing things around the house. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

*I Like* knowing in 66 days at this time I'll be driving home from the Denver Airport, and I won't be alone.... http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif

*I Like* Carah http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wub.gif

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*I Like* knowing in 66 days at this time I'll be driving home from the Denver Airport, and I won't be alone.... http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif

*I Like* Carah http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wub.gif

I like seeing posts like these and thinking that there is still faith in humanity. :happy:

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